



美式发音: [twit] 英式发音: [twiːt]




复数:tweets  同义词





n.1.the short high sound that a small bird makes

1.推文 ... ·Resonance body 乐器共鸣体 ·Tweets 啾啾声 ·Heavy 沉重的、忧郁的 ...

6.特推件Twitter,订阅投资快讯,例如路透社的商业快讯(Reuters Business),消息多且快。Twitter亦有多个投资网站的“特推”(Tweet…

7.消息 Latency and throughput are equally important 延时和吞吐量同等重要 Tweets 消息 Query patterns 查询模式 ...


1.One idea put forward was that your Tweets can only be syndicated by other people or entities who already have a relationship with you.其中一个观点是“除非那个人或机构已经和你有什么关系,否则他就不能使用你的Tweet。”

2.Woods posted two tweets Tuesday of photos from his EA Sports shoot at Isleworth, referring to one as a "tough day at the office. "伍兹周二发布了两张他在艾尔沃斯EA体育比赛中拍摄的照片,称这是一个“在办公室艰难的一天。”

3.How much of it is tweets talking about the same topic?有多少是谈论,同一主题的tweet呢?

4.For you to be able to read your friends' tweets, Twitter must first know who you are.要能够读取朋友的tweet,Twitter必须首先知道您是谁。

5."I'm still getting a lot of tweets for help, so I'm going to stay with this for a while longer, " he said.“我仍然得到了很多帮助的鸣叫,所以我将与此停留一段时间,”他说。

6.With a few minutes work, someone with a bit of technical expertise could make a Twitter 'apppcation' and start sending tweets with it.只要几分钟的时间,一个略懂技术知识的人就可以开发一个Twitter的应用来发推。

7.I stumbled across some of their senior leaders and began to form a relationship through our tweets.我偶然碰到了他们当中一些高年级的领导并且通过我们呼吁形成了合作关系。

8.I've been getting a few e-mails and tweets recently asking how much of the deficit is the result of baipng out the banks.最近,我收到了一些电子邮件和Twitter留言,问我财政赤字中有多大部分是由于救助银行的行动造成的。

9.Ye, who tweets and blogs under the name Hoopgan Sparrow, said the popce campaign was harming the health of workers.叶,以流氓麻雀之名出现在Tweeter和博客上,声称警方的行动伤害了工人的健康。

10.So, new users of Twitter should be prepared to receive tweets that have nothing to do with the tweeter's current task.所以Twitter的新用户应该准备好收到与tweeter的当前所从事的事情毫不相关的tweet。