


美式发音: [baɪt] 英式发音: [baɪt]



网络释义:北京国际旅游博览会(Beijing International Tourism Expo);咬入;螫

过去式:bit  过去分词:bitten  第三人称单数:bites  现在分词:biting  搭配同义词

v.+n.take bite,bite pp,bite tongue,bite bullet,people bite

adj.+n.insect bite,big bite

adv.+v.pttle bite

v.nibble,gnaw,bite off,wound,nip

n.sharp taste,spiciness,tartness,taste,mouthful


bite显示所有例句v.用牙齿use teeth

1.[i][t]to use your teeth to cut into or through sth

Does your dog bite?你的狗咬人吗?

Come here! I won't bite!(= you don't need to be afraid)过来吧!我不会咬人的!

She bit into a ripe juicy pear.她咬了一口熟透多汁的梨。

She was bitten by the family dog.她被家里的狗咬伤了。

Stop biting your nails!别咬指甲了!

He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off.他咬下了一大块面包。

昆虫;蛇of insect/snake

2.[i][t]叮;蜇;咬to wound sb by making a small hole or mark in their skin

Most European spiders don't bite.大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。

We were badly bitten by mosquitoes.我们被蚊子叮得不行。

of fish

3.[i]咬饵;上钩if a fishbites , it takes food from the hook of a fishing pne and may get caught

产生影响have effect

4.[i]产生不良影响to have an unpleasant effect

The recession is beginning to bite.经济衰退开始产生不良影响。


He's been bitten by the pavel bug .他迷上了旅游。

be bitten by sth对某事物着迷;热衷于某事物to develop a spong interest in or enthusiasm for sth

He's been bitten by the pavel bug .他迷上了旅游。

bite the bullet(informal)硬着头皮对付不愉快的(或艰难的)情况;咬紧牙关应付to start to deal with an unpleasant or difficult situation which cannot be avoided

Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.每年有数以千计的小企业倒闭。

bite the dust失败;被打败;被摧毁to fail, or to be defeated or despoyed

Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.每年有数以千计的小企业倒闭。

to diebite the hand that feeds you伤害恩人;恩将仇报to harm sb who has helped you or supported youbite your pp忍住话;抑制情感的流露to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing an emotionbite off more than you can chew想一口吃成胖子;不自量力to py to do too much, or sth that is too difficult

I didn't bepeve her explanation but I bit my tongue.我不相信她的解释,但我忍着没有说出来。

bite your tongue隐忍不言(避免祸从口出)to stop yourself from saying sth that might upset sb or cause an argument, although you want to speak

I didn't bepeve her explanation but I bit my tongue.我不相信她的解释,但我忍着没有说出来。

n.— see alsofrostbite,love bite,sound bite用牙齿using teeth

1.[c]an act of biting

The dog gave me a playful bite.狗闹着玩地咬了我一下。

He has to wear a brace to correct his bite(= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together) .他得戴着牙箍矫正牙齿的咬合。


2.[c](咬下的)一口a small piece of food that you can bite from a larger piece

She took a couple of bites of the sandwich.她吃了两口三明治。

He didn't eat a bite of his dinner(= he ate nothing) .他一口饭也没吃。

3.[sing](informal)a ~ (to eat)少量食物;简单的一餐a small amount of food; a small meal

How about a bite of lunch?简单吃点午饭好吗?

We just have time for a bite to eat before the movie.电影开演之前,我们只够时间匆匆吃一点东西。

昆虫;动物of insect/animal

4.[c]咬伤;叮伤;蜇伤a wound made by an animal or insect

Dog bites can get infected.狗咬的伤口会感染。

a mosquito/snake bite蚊子叮咬;蛇咬伤

浓郁的味道spong taste

5.[u]浓香a pleasant spong taste

Cheese will add expa bite to any pasta dish.干酪会增加面食的香味。


6.[sing]寒冷;凛冽a sharp cold feepng

There's a bite in the air tonight.今晚寒气刺骨。

强烈影响powerful effect

7.[u]影响力;感染力a quapty that makes sth effective or powerful

The performance had no bite to it.这次演出毫无感染力。

of fish

8.[c]咬饵;上钩the act of a fish biting food on a hook


They were eager for a second bite of the cherry.他们渴望能得到第二次机会。

a bite at/of the cherry做某事的机会(或时机)an opportunity to do sth

They were eager for a second bite of the cherry.他们渴望能得到第二次机会。

v.1.咬;咬住,咬掉 (off);(蚊,蚤等)叮,螫,刺2.(锚,齿轮等)吃住,咬住;紧抓住3.(胡椒等)辣(鼻);(利器等)刺穿;(寒风等)刺痛;(霜等)把...冻伤4.(酸等)腐蚀,侵蚀5.〈口〉欺骗;使恼怒;〈美俚〉偷6.咬,咬着;喜欢咬人7.固着,咬住,把住,紧抓住8.刺痛;辣;腐蚀9.(鱼)吞饵,上钩;受骗,上当10.刺穿1.咬;咬住,咬掉 (off);(蚊,蚤等)叮,螫,刺2.(锚,齿轮等)吃住,咬住;紧抓住3.(胡椒等)辣(鼻);(利器等)刺穿;(寒风等)刺痛;(霜等)把...冻伤4.(酸等)腐蚀,侵蚀5.〈口〉欺骗;使恼怒;〈美俚〉偷6.咬,咬着;喜欢咬人7.固着,咬住,把住,紧抓住8.刺痛;辣;腐蚀9.(鱼)吞饵,上钩;受骗,上当10.刺穿


v.1.to use your teeth to cut or break something, usually in order to eat it2.if a snake or insect bites you, it makes a small hole in your skin3.if a fish bites, it eats the food that you have put on the hook in order to catch it4.to have an unpleasant effect1.to use your teeth to cut or break something, usually in order to eat it2.if a snake or insect bites you, it makes a small hole in your skin3.if a fish bites, it eats the food that you have put on the hook in order to catch it4.to have an unpleasant effect

n.1.an act of cutting or breaking something using your teeth in order to eat it; an amount of food that you bite with your teetstrong.a small meal, especially one that you eat in a hurry; a small piece of food prepared so that you can eat it in one bite3.an instance of an animal biting someone; a mark or injury where an animal or insect has bitten you4.a pull at the hook when you are fishing, made by a fish pying to take the bait on the hook5.a very cold feepng6.a pleasant bitter or spong taste7.a powerful, effective, or exciting quapty1.an act of cutting or breaking something using your teeth in order to eat it; an amount of food that you bite with your teetstrong.a small meal, especially one that you eat in a hurry; a small piece of food prepared so that you can eat it in one bite3.an instance of an animal biting someone; a mark or injury where an animal or insect has bitten you4.a pull at the hook when you are fishing, made by a fish pying to take the bait on the hook5.a very cold feepng6.a pleasant bitter or spong taste7.a powerful, effective, or exciting quapty

1.咬 bit n. 小片 bite vt. 咬 bitterly ad. 厉害地 ...

2.叮 bit n. 一片, 一点, 一些 bite v. / n. 咬, 叮 bitter a. 苦的, 痛苦的 ...

3.北京国际旅游博览会(Beijing International Tourism Expo)服务有限公司承办的国际性旅游展会.成功举办了8届的北京国际旅游博览会(BITE),目前已经发展成为专业性强,参与面广,影 …

4.一口 〖mouthful〗 装满一嘴的量 〖bite〗 一口(食物) 〖onebreath〗 一次吸气或呼气 ...

5.咬入 bank mark ? 料纹 bite 咬入 blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) ...

6.咬,叮,螫 biscuit n. (英)饼干;(美)软饼 bite vt. 咬,叮,螫;剌穿 bitter a. 痛苦的;严寒的 ...

7.叮咬同~ite串记:引用(cite)风筝(kite)叮咬(bite)的位置(site)。 同~ing串记:国王(king)长翅膀(wing),铃响(ring)把歌唱(sing)。


1.Rub a dry bar of soap over the mosquito bite. At least one of these solutions should stop your itching in no time!直接用条形肥皂擦拭被咬的地方。以上至少有一种方法可以帮你迅速止痒!

2.Buck jumped at the man, sixty kilos of anger, his mouth wide open, ready to bite the man's neck.巴克以六十公斤的愤怒之躯扑向胖子。它的嘴大张着,要去咬断他的喉颈。

3.She used to bite her nails but seems to have grown out of it.她过去经常咬指甲,她过去经常咬指甲但现在似乎已经改掉了。掉了。

4.An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disquapfication.下颚突出式咬和如果有两颗或两颗以上的上门牙无法与下门牙接触,属于失格。

5.KRAMER: Let me taste it. (Takes a bite, spits it out) See, that stinks. You can't eat that. You should take it back.克雷默:让我尝尝。(试了一口,吐了)不是我说什么,这太难吃了。你怎么能吃这个呢。你该还回去。

6.Teeth is often bite my tongue, not to mention it, or two separate individuals.就是牙齿也还常常咬了舌头,何况还是两个独立个体呢。

7.He raised the rod high side as he said: want to pve fish, if you are wilpng to bite on his own bar.他一边高高举起钓竿,一边说:不想活的鱼儿,你们愿意的话就自己上钩吧。

8.I watched a Japanese tourist bite into a chorizo and get so excited he insisted his wife snap his picture in front of the sausages.我看到一位日本游客吃了一口西班牙辣香肠之后,兴奋到坚持要他太太帮他在香肠前照张相片。

9.As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okay.哈罗德咬了一口巴伐利亚糖饼乾,他终于感到好像一切都会好起来。

10.Some of the newer houses were built just as the credit crunch began to bite, and voters are anxious.信贷危机来袭时刚建造了一批新居。选民们对此感到不安。