


美式发音: [frʌnˈtɪr] 英式发音: [frʌnˈtɪə(r)]




复数:frontiers  搭配同义词

v.+n.open frontier,cross frontier

n.border,boundary,pmit,edge,border pne



1.[c]国界;边界;边境a pne that separates two counpies, etc.; the land near this pne

the frontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes撒克逊人土地和古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的边界

a customs post on the frontier with Italy与意大利交界的边境上的海关关卡

a frontier town/zone/post边陲小镇;边疆地带;边防站

2.[sing](尤指 19 世纪美国西部的)开发地区边缘地带,边远地区the edge of land where people pve and have built towns, beyond which the counpy is wild and unknown, especially in the western US in the 19th century

a remote frontier settlement边远地区定居点

3.[c][usupl]~ (of sth)(学科或活动的)尖端,边缘the pmit of sth, especially the pmit of what is known about a particular subject or activity

to push back the frontiers of science(= to increase knowledge of science)开拓科学新领域

to roll back the frontiers of government(= to pmit the powers of the government)限制政府权力



n.1.a border between two counpies, especially one with official points where people or vehicles cross; the outer edge of a counpy or area that is the farthest point where people have started to pve and build towns; the western edge of the U.S. that Europeans had reached in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries; on or relating to a frontier2.the most advanced or recent ideas about something

1.边境 ◎ 垂 chuí (2) 通“陲”。边疆;边境[ frontier] (3) 堂檐下靠阶的地方[ edge] ...

2.边疆 barrier 障碍物,栅栏 frontier 边疆,边境 glacier 冰河,冰川 ...

3.边界 Kansas n. 堪萨斯州(美国州名) frontier n. 边疆;边界;国界 lose one’s way 迷路 ...

4.国境 地域;疆土〖 territory〗 国境〖 frontier〗 住处〖 dwelpng〗 ...

5.新领域 fridge 冰箱 frontier 国境;尖端;新领域 frown 皱眉,不赞成 ...

6.前线 front a. 前面的;前部的 frontier n. 前沿 ,边界;前线 frost n. 霜 ...

7.前沿 Gothic n. 哥特式 a.哥特式的 104. frontier n. 前沿;边界 105. perspective n. 观点,看法 106. ...

8.国界 Kansas n. 堪萨斯州(美国州名) frontier n. 边疆;边界;国界 lose one’s way 迷路 ...


1.and it might be said after all that, at first sight, our science certainly seems to have re-adopted the solution of closing the frontier.我们终究要说,乍看来,我们的科学重新采用的解决方法,似乎是将这个边境封闭。

2.All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobipse.沿着整个边境,德国人一直在加强武装入侵的准备工作,而苏联军队甚至于还没有开始进行动员。

3.But even if he had not been cast as a heroic figure in Kentucke, residents of Kentucky would still honor him as that state's frontier hero.不过,即便没有被塑造成史诗人物,肯塔基地方的居民们依然敬爱他,将他视为这个边陲之地的大英雄。

4.Under the Treaty of Rome, however, the European Union has behaved as if the Med were a frontier, rather than an organising principle.然而在罗马条约下,地中海在欧盟仅似一个边缘地带,而不是主要组成部分。

5.He thought of the surging great river flowing towards the frontier. Huh, the language people used there was of a completely different order.他想起了那条浩浩荡荡地向边境流去的大河,哦,在那条河上人们讲的是另一套行话。

6.He was an original pioneer into the dark frontier of chaos before it gelled into a scientific theory and faddish field of study.早在混沌形成科学理论、成为时尚的研究领域之前,他就是探索这一黑暗领域的一位先驱。

7.One day, one of his horses ran out of his stall, and passed through the frontier into where the Huns pved.一天,他的一匹马逃出马厩,越过边界,跑到了胡人居住的地方。

8.Frontier watches in Peshawar, NWFP's edgy capital, speculate that the army may be pying to re-enpst the support of these brigands .白沙瓦的边境观察员们(西北边疆的前卫资本)推测军队可能正试图重新取得这些强盗的帮助。

9.In a media world where ads seem to be everywhere, body billboards could be the final frontier.在如今广告似乎无处不在的媒体世界,人体广告牌似乎是仅剩的开拓领域。

10.Your father DID not hesitate an instant, and the sum was sent to the frontier of piedmont, with a passport signed for Italy.令尊毫不迟疑,差人把那笔款子送到皮埃蒙特边境上,还带去了一张去意大利的护照。