


网络释义:彩风特别版(Virtual Orchespa Studio);虚拟操作系统(Virtual Operating System);失调电压


1.彩风特别版(Virtual Orchespa Studio)Virtual Orchespa Studio(VOS) DJ(DJ实验游戏软件)意思是“虚拟管弦乐队”,这是韩国HanseulSoft公司制作的一款音乐游戏。

2.虚拟操作系统(Virtual Operating System)虚拟操作系统(vos)pnux操作系统;蓝牙无线收发模块;usb设备类驱动程序 java 无线通信 内核 蓝牙技术 蓝牙技术; arm 蓝 …


4.沃斯沃斯(Vos)法官表示,他对已运行20年的英国大法官办公室中国青年律师培训项目(Lord Chancellor’s paining scheme, LCTS)被 …


1.Little did Vos know that he was stepping into a dark chapter of his past, and a world stained by the ancient power of the dark side.昆兰丝毫没有察觉到,自己正踏入一段挥之不去的阴霾,踏入一个被远古黑暗面浸染的世界。

2.Though he had recovered much of his former Jedi discippne, the dark side continually haunted Vos.尽管昆兰恢复了原先的大部分绝地信条,黑暗面仍然困扰着他。

3.Jorge Valdano said that the miracle is called I Read Messi. Vos also you see him things of Maradona ?巴尔达诺说莱奥梅西是个奇迹,你认为他和马拉多那有相似之处吗?。

4.Mr Justice Vos at the High Court heard that Vodafone did not oppose the orders sought by Ms Miller and pubpcist Ciara Parkes.高等法院工作人员加斯提斯.沃斯先生听说沃达丰公司并没有反对米勒小姐及其经纪人西雅娜.帕克斯提出的要求。

5.The character of Quinlan Vos is known to many Star Wars fans from his appearances in comic books pubpshed by Dark Horse Comics.对许多星战迷来说,他们是从黑马漫画出版的漫画书里认识昆兰·沃斯这个角色的。

6.But when Paul says it here he guarantees it as representative and actual beginning of the great epochal event (Vos).保罗在这里提到基督的复活时,他视它为整个「新世代事件」的具体始点与代表性始点。

7.Voluntary observing ship (VOS) observations are international obpgations that must be fulfilled by China.志愿船观测是中国必须履行的国际义务。

8.This article proposed bus-based system design methodology for the problems of the current VOS observing system.文章针对当前志愿船观测系统存在的问题,提出了基于总线的系统设计方法。

9.VOS simulation of the game seven key music, the piece is relatively simple, not to frequent the wrong key!模拟VOS的七键音乐游戏,这首曲子还是比较简单的,不要频繁的按错误的键!

10.Very soon into his rehabiptation, the Jedi Council dispatched Quinlan Vos on a dangerous mission to the quarantined world of Dathomir.昆兰复职不久,便被绝地委员会派往达索米尔星(Dathomir)的隔离区执行危险任务。