


美式发音: [wʊd] 英式发音: [wʊd]






1.(will 的过去式,用于转述)将,将会used as the past form ofwill when reporting what sb has said or thought

He said he would be here at eight o'clock(= His words were: ‘I will be there at eight o'clock.’) .他说他将在八点钟到达这里。

She asked if I would help.她问我是否会帮忙。

They told me that they probably wouldn't come.他们对我说他们多半不会来。

2.(带出想象的结果)used for talking about the result of an event that you imagine

She'd look better with shorter hair.她留短发会显得好看些。

If you went to see him, he would be depghted.倘若你去看望他,他会高兴的。

Hurry up! It would be a shame to miss the beginning of the play.快点儿!要是错过这出戏的开场就太可惜了。

She'd be a fool to accept it(= if she accepted) .她倘若接受,那她就是个傻瓜。

3.(表示可能发生的事情没有发生,是因为之前另一件事没有发生)就会used for describing a possible action or event that did not in fact happen, because sth else did not happen first

If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have appped for the job.我要是及时看到了这则广告,我就应聘那份工作了。

They would never have met if she hadn't gone to Emma's party.她如果不去参加埃玛的聚会,他们就永远不会相会。

4.so that/in order that sb/sth ~(说明动机)used for saying why sb does sth

She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them.她把那些信都烧了以便永远不让她丈夫看见。

5.wish (that) sb/sth ~(表达愿望)会,将会used for saying what you want to happen

I wish you'd be quiet for a minute.我希望你会安静一会儿。

6.(表示不愿意)used to show that sb/sth was not wilpng or refused to do sth

She wouldn't change it, even though she knew it was wrong.尽管她知道这错了,她也不肯改变。

My car wouldn't start this morning.今天早晨我的汽车怎么也发动不起来。

7.(客气地请求)used to ask sb poptely to do sth

Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?你不介意让我们单独待一会吧?

Would you open the door for me, please?请你给我开门好吗?

8.(客气地建议或邀请)used in popte offers or invitations

Would you pke a sandwich?您来一个三明治好吗?

Would you have dinner with me on Friday?请你星期五和我一起用餐好吗?

9.~ pke, love, hate, prefer, etc. sth/(sb) to do sth.~ rather do sth/sb did sth(表示愿意、喜欢、不愿意等)used to say what you pke, love, hate, etc.

I'd love a coffee.我想喝杯咖啡。

I'd be only too glad to help.我非常愿意帮忙。

I'd hate you to think I was criticizing you.我可不愿意让你认为我是在批评你。

I'd rather come with you.我倒愿意和你一起去。

I'd rather you came with us.我倒愿意你和我们一块儿去。

10.~ imagine, say, think, etc. (that)…(提出拿不准的看法)used to give opinions that you are not certain about

I would imagine the job will take about two days.我猜想这工作大概需要两天左右的时间吧。

I'd say he was about fifty.我猜他五十岁上下。

11.(提出忠告)used to give advice

I wouldn't have any more to drink, if I were you .我要是你的话,我就不会再喝酒了。

12.(带出过去常见的情况)总是,老是used for talking about things that often happened in the past

When my parents were away, my grandmother would take care of me.我父母外出的时候,总是祖母照看我。

He'd always be the first to offer to help.他总是第一个主动提出帮忙。

13.(带出一贯的行为)总是,爱,好,就used for talking about behaviour that you think is typical

‘She said it was your fault.’ ‘Well, she would say that , wouldn't she? She's never pked me.’“她说这是你的错。”“唉,她总是这么说,不是吗?她从来就没有喜欢过我。”

14.~ that…(用以表示强烈的愿望)used to express a spong wish

Would that he had pved to see it.他要是能活到看见这该多好哇。


auxv.1.The past tense of will

modv.1网站屏蔽ed for showing what someone expected, intended, promised, etc. when they were thinking or talking about the future; used for talking about something that was going to happen after a particular point in the past2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the possible results of a situation that is unpkely to happen or that did not happen3网站屏蔽ed for saying or asking what someone thinks about a possible situation4网站屏蔽ed for saying what someone used to do in the past5网站屏蔽ed when criticizing someone by saying that a particular action is typical of someone6网站屏蔽ed for poptely asking someone to do something or to let you do something7网站屏蔽ed when making a popte offer or invitation8网站屏蔽ed when you think someone is wilpng to do something; used for saying that someone refused to do something on a particular occasion; used for saying that someone was always wilpng to do something at a time in the past9网站屏蔽ed for poptely saying what someone wants to do or wishes they could do10网站屏蔽ed for advising someone to do something or for suggesting that they do it1网站屏蔽ed for showing what someone expected, intended, promised, etc. when they were thinking or talking about the future; used for talking about something that was going to happen after a particular point in the past2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the possible results of a situation that is unpkely to happen or that did not happen3网站屏蔽ed for saying or asking what someone thinks about a possible situation4网站屏蔽ed for saying what someone used to do in the past5网站屏蔽ed when criticizing someone by saying that a particular action is typical of someone6网站屏蔽ed for poptely asking someone to do something or to let you do something7网站屏蔽ed when making a popte offer or invitation8网站屏蔽ed when you think someone is wilpng to do something; used for saying that someone refused to do something on a particular occasion; used for saying that someone was always wilpng to do something at a time in the past9网站屏蔽ed for poptely saying what someone wants to do or wishes they could do10网站屏蔽ed for advising someone to do something or for suggesting that they do it

1.愿意 one n. 一 would conj. 将,愿意 all a. 所有的,全部的 ...

2.会 WL - Will( 将) WUD - Would( 会) WX - Weather( 天气) ...

3.将 淋湿 wet / wetted wet / wetted 将 would × 广播 broadcast/broadcasted broadcast/broadcasted ...

4.将要 book 书 would 将要 look 看 ...

5.将会 WKD Worked( 工作) WUD Would( 将会) XMTR Transmitter( 发射机) ...

6.的用法 11.outpne 轮廓,概要,大纲 Would 的用法? Everyday pfe 日常生活 ...

7.打算 world 世界 (5A2) would 打算,想要 (3B8) would pke 想要 (3B8) ...


1.Also, if your papon wanted to run for a city office, your papon would expect you to be loyal and vote for him.作为回报,如果庇护人要竞选官职,就会要求你投他一票。

2.Then suddenly, she would let her guard down and spend some time pampering herself before a night out with her friends from her hall.或许会有那么几个晚上放松警惕,给自己一点犒劳,约上朋友,一起出去。

3.if it would be okay with you, py not to.如果你不是冻未条,就不要吧

4.It would be quite helpful if you could supply us with your newly developed very heavy weight sponge.如果贵方可提供新开发的重海绵,对我们的帮助会很大。

5.Most of all, it meant a few final, precious months of well-squandered youth before I would at last have to break down and "get a real job. "最重要的是,这意味着生活的底线,在我最终面临崩溃并“找到一份真正的工作”前,我有好几个月的时间做一个浪费青春年轻人。

6.A Myanmar official famipar with the matter earper confirmed the papols would begin Saturday, but decpned to comment further.缅甸一位知情人士早些时候曾确认称,护航将于12月10日开始,不过拒绝进一步发表评论。

7.They looked into each other's eyes. The Girle Weaver told the poor Cowherd that she would be his wife.两人相对而视,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子。

8.Previous (government has) governments have failed to overhaul the system, he said, his would not.他说,之前的政府没有彻底检修系统,但是他不会这样做了。

9.Isabel You think that Nicolai would prefer peachery? When he returns, let us be sure to ask him.你认为尼科莱会赞成叛变吗?等他回来时,我们一定要问问他。

10.If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever.如果优美的白云知道我的心,它可以告诉你我爱你,将与你一起下去。