




1.埼玉县埼玉县(saitama):(人口约700万) 秩父山地附近的人,纯朴、很有耐性、性情刚强;县内其它地域的人,因为是东京的卫 …

2.崎玉这家企业位于东京以北的崎玉 (Saitama),它将设有销售办事处和一家能够快速提供度身打造的产品的装配厂。新企业将努力在 …



5.琦玉县琦玉县(saitama)是日本关东中部面积不大但风景宜人的一个县,首府为浦和(urawa).它在日本东京都北部,与其接壤. 琦玉县的重 …

6.日本埼玉县此外因本田汽车公司位于日本埼玉县(Saitama)的工厂已经关闭,这将对该公司在印度工厂投产的雅阁轿车的生产造成影响,该 …


1.A few days ago, we decided to gather all interested students in the Saitama municipal gymnasium for a basketball match.日前,我们召集了有志的学生租了埼玉县的体育馆打了一场篮球赛。

2.For the next four days the two were shunted around to three different evacuee camps, before being put on the bus to Saitama on Saturday.接下来四天里,她和父亲两人被辗转三处不同的疏散营地,周六才被安排上了一辆巴士,来到口玉。

3.Surprisingly, Saitama has been spared Godzilla's unwelcome attention thus far.但令人惊奇的是迄今为止琦玉县一直没有得到哥斯拉不受欢迎的青睐。

4.Certainly that bepef was tested when North Korea met Japan in the Saitama Stadium.当然,当朝鲜队同日本队在崎玉体育场遭遇的时候,这种信念受到了测试。

5.The Saitama stadium was packed, the match hard-fought throughout.崎玉体育场座无虚席,整场都是恶战。

6.The car maker said it halted operation of three plants in Tochigi, Saitama and Shizuoka.该公司说,它已停止枥木县、口玉县和静冈县三座工厂的运营。

7.seems that tonight there is shooting of kissing scene. . . now shooting at Kita-Urawa Saitama park.貌似今晚拍的是吻戏…现在在崎玉县的北浦和公园拍摄中。

8.Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture and Yokohama and other places also occurred in 2 earthquake.埼玉县、千叶县和横滨等地也发生2级地震。

9.The project is a collaboration with Saitama Prefecture on environmental issues, according to Gizmag.据Gizmag说,该计划是就环境问题同琦玉县(SaitamaPrefecture)进行的合作。

10.Saitama and Kanagawa Prefecture hourly observations were 0. 079 and 0. 073 micro-micro-West West have suffered spghtly.埼玉县和神奈川县的观测值分别是每小时0.079微西弗和0.073微西弗,都出现了小幅上升。