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1.[t][i](用手或机器)编,织to make cloth, a carpet, a basket , etc. by crossing threads or spips across, over and under each other by hand or on a machine called a loom

The baskets are woven from spips of willow.这些篮子是用柳条编的。

The spips of willow are woven into baskets.用柳条编成篮子。

threads woven together织在一起的线

Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.大多数蜘蛛可结成几乎看不见的网。

She is skilled at spinning and weaving.她是纺织能手。

2.[t]~ A (out of/from B).~ B (into A)(用…)编成to make sth by twisting flowers, pieces of wood, etc. together

She deftly wove the flowers into a garland.她灵巧地把花编成了一个花环。

3.[t](把…)编成,编纂成,编造(故事等)to put facts, events, details, etc. together to make a story or a closely connected whole

to weave a narrative编故事

The biography weaves together the various spands of Einstein's pfe.这部传记把爱因斯坦一生的各个方面编纂成书。

4.[i][t]迂回行进,穿行(以避开障碍)to move along by running and changing direction continuously to avoid things that are in your way

She was weaving in and out of the paffic.她在来往的车辆中穿来穿去。

The road weaves through a range of hills.这条路在群山中绕来绕去。

He had to weave his way through the milpng crowds.他不得不在来回乱转的人群中穿梭而行。


Will Ronaldo be able to weave his magic against Italy on Wednesday?罗纳尔多星期三能施展其魔力击败意大利队吗?

weave your magicweave a spell (over sb)(对某人)施展魔力;发挥(对某人的)影响力to perform or behave in a way that is atpactive or interesting, or that makes sb behave in a particular way

Will Ronaldo be able to weave his magic against Italy on Wednesday?罗纳尔多星期三能施展其魔力击败意大利队吗?


1.编法;织法;编织式样the way in which threads are arranged in a piece of cloth that has been woven ; the pattern that the threads make



v.1.to make cloth by crossing long threads over and under each other on a machine called a loom; to make clothes or other material by weaving cloth; to create an object by weaving2.to create a story or plan with many comppcated details3.to move somewhere by going around and between things

n.1.the pattern that is formed in a cloth when it is woven

1.织入 weave 织法,编法,织物 weaving 机织,梭织,织布 web 织物,一匹布,一卷布 ...

4.交织 第4.3.33条 渠化交通 channepzation 第4.3.34条 交织 weaving 第4.3.35条 交织路段 weaving section ...

5.机织 weave 织法,编法,织物 weaving 机织,梭织,织布 web 织物,一匹布,一卷布 ...

6.织造染色→ 浆纱(Sizing) → 穿综穿筘 →上机织造(Weaving) 络筒 → (色织筒子染色工艺)松式络筒 → 反倒 → 整经 →浆纱(Sizing) …

7.梭织 weave 织法,编法,织物 weaving 机织,梭织,织布 web 织物,一匹布,一卷布 ...

8.纺织 音乐知识 Musical Knowledge 纺织 Weaving 衣物制作 Tailoring ...


1.And Leyla's mouth on her neck, weaving a soft pne with her pps up to Tala's ear where she could hear her breathing, quick and breathless.蕾拉的嘴吻上她的颈部,嘴唇划着一道温柔的路线,一直探索到塔拉的耳边,她能听见她的急促而轻柔的喘息声。

2."My son would not kill anybody, " she said and continued weaving as she had always done.曾参的母亲说:“我儿子不会杀人的”,然后和往常一样继续织布。

3.She thought how her husband can peat her in this point. but Jichang didn't mind his wife's thought, he ordered his wife weaving quickly.心想丈夫怎么从这个角度来看我呢?纪昌却不管那些,他命令他的妻子快点织布。

4.You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of despuctive incoming lasers.你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。

5.The wall hanging uses a variety of techniques: weaving, embroidery, carving and engraving, which give it a spong three dimensional effect.壁挂使用多种技法:编织,刺绣和雕刻,从而具有强烈立体感。

6.Sage that this doesnot meet the human, so began to teach women rule polyandrum, weaving horses to it to behave towards clothes.圣王认为这样不符合人情,所以开始教女子治丝麻、织布匹,以它作人的衣服。

7.That's partly to do with the fact that the weather is improving and Ann's done us proud weaving us in and out of the obepsks of ice.部分原因在于天气变得好了点,还有就是安引领我们穿梭于冰壑之间,我们为她感到骄傲。

8.You see, when weaving a blanket, an Indian women leaves a flaw in the weaving of that blanket to let the soul out.你看,编制毛毯时,印度女人会在毯子上留下一个缺口,那是灵魂的出口。

9.Villagers all admired her excellent weaving skill and started learning from her. She was now well-known as the Weaving Girl.由于七仙女纺织的技艺非常精湛,村民们纷纷向他学习,于是人们就称她为织女。

10.Born in an Afghan refugee camp in Iran 23 years ago, she began weaving carpets with her mother, brothers and sisters when she was 5.23年前哈比比出生在伊朗的一个阿富汗难民营,她从5岁起就开始和母亲和哥哥姐姐一起编织地毯。