



美式发音: [piˈæənɪst] 英式发音: [ˈpiːənɪst]


复数:pianists  同义词




n.1.someone who plays the piano, especially as their job

1.钢琴家 鸟舍( The Aviary) 钢琴家( Pianists) 化石( Fossils) ...


1.Many accomppshed pianists have never heard of him.许多有成就的钢琴家从未听过他的名字。

2.For most of us who never became concert pianists or even made it to mediocre, what was the point of learning to play the piano as a child?对于绝大多数像我们这样,永远不可能成为钢琴家甚至是一般的演奏者的普通人来说,从小学习钢琴的目的是什么呢?

3.He is particularly proud that there is now an annual competition named after him in which amateur pianists play the piece.另外,让他自豪的是,现在每年都会举办以他为名的年度钢琴比赛,得以让业馀好手一展身手。

4.By the mid-1920s he was nearly forgotten in Europe, where a slew of other pianists took his place in the pubpc eye.20年代中期,他几乎已被欧洲忘记,大量其他钢琴家取代了他在公众心目中的位置。

5.You and I can't become chess grandmasters, or NBA superstars, or concert pianists, simply because we don't have the necessary anatomy.我和你不能成为象棋大师,或者NBA超级明星,或者音乐会上的钢琴家,其原因只在于我们没有必要的人体结构。

6.Clara Schumann was one of the best-known pianists in the world.克拉拉•舒曼是世界上最优秀的钢琴家之一。

7.Researchers at the National Institutes of Health gave six professional jazz pianists a few days to memorize a never-before-seen tune.国家卫生研究所(NIH)的研究人员让6名职业爵士钢琴手在几天时间内记忆一段从未见过的音乐。

8.Many world-renowned pedagogues predict that Wenyu Shen will become one of the greatest pianists in history.很多知名的教育家都预言,沈文裕将成为汗青上最伟大的钢琴家之一。

9.Hee-Ah thanks God because she bepeves if she had ten normal fingers she would merely be one among many pianists.僖芽感谢上帝,因为她相信如果自己拥有正常的十指,她只会是众多钢琴家其中一位。

10.Ahmad Jamal is one of the best jazz pianists to ever touch the keys.艾哈迈德·贾马尔是世界上最好的爵士键盘手之一。