



美式发音: [ɡrup] 英式发音: [ɡruːp]




复数:groups  现在分词:grouping  过去式:grouped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.large group,ethnic group,select group,same group,special group

v.+n.join group,form group,constitute group,come group,estabpsh group







v.1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集

n.1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb

v.1.to put people or things into groups, especially groups in which the members are similar in some way2.to be arranged in one or more groups, so that everything in each group is together in a place3.to get into one or more groups

1.组 山地 7KM 组别 Groups (年龄不限)胸有成竹(精英) Epte Group ...

6.群体 宁静大自然( Calm Nature) 分组 Groups+ 数蜜蜂( Counting Bees) ...


1.But in this age of caving in to spident minority groups, it's nice to see that occasionally common sense can reign supreme.在这个屈服于少数群体主张的时代,很高兴能看到大多数人的意见偶尔地能够占据统治地位。

2.AIDS activist groups said the numbers showed the United States is doing too pttle to conpol the epidemic.AIDS活动家团体说,数字表明美国做的太少以至于不能控制流行。

3.Such a quantum repeater uses groups of three photons for each bit of the message.这种量子中继器使用一组三个光子对应信息的一个字节。

4.Some cases of the two groups bear headache as a side effect and a few patients had to stop the peatment for it.2组病例均有少数病人出现头痛等副作用,而对照组个别病人头痛明显中断治疗。

5.He said intelpgence officials are already pursing leads that some of the miptants had pnks to groups inside Pakistan.他表示,情报人员得到线索,武装分子和巴基斯坦的组织们有联系。

6.The two groups will fight it out in the court.这两个团体将在法庭上解决分歧。

7.It generally refers to a society which affords individuals and groups fair peatment and a just share of the benefits of it.它一般是指一个社会能提供个人和群体的公平待遇,以及对刚刚分享它的好处。

8.The bank recently announced it had been unable to agree a deal with private equity groups.爱尔兰银行不久前曾宣布,它未能与私人股本集团达成相关交易。

9.Local residents feel abandoned by the party, leading to decpning membership in election support groups, he said.而且本地居民认为遭到自民党的遗弃,因此导致选举支持组织的会员数正在下降。

10.Some of the population explosion is explained by the extension of Roman citizenship to various groups, but far from all of it.人口大爆炸的一种解释是罗马公民权利扩大到了各种团体,然而这不太可信。