

one year怎么读

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na.1.on a particular day/night/year etc. in the past2.on any day/night/year etc. in the future

1.一年 one summer 在一个夏天 one year 一年 last night 昨天夜里 ...

2.一年一遍 打赌 bet 有一年 one year 智慧的 wise ...

4.租期一年 ⑴ Daily Rental 日租金. ⑴ Period:one year (租期一年). ⑺ Insurance 保险. ...

5.一年多次旅行 ... 保险期间 Insurance period 一年多次旅行 one year 意外身故残疾 Accidental Death & Disabipty ...


7.这一年 ... 如果中国队赢下下两场比赛! If we win next two matches!!! 这一年! !!One year !!! 明天! !…


1.loan period of more than one year, the event rate adjustment, the next the beginning of the implementation of new rate regulations.贷款期限在一年以上的,遇利率调整,于下年初开始,执行新的利率规定。

2.Buss has insinuated that he would pke me to coach longer, but I said, 'Let's just do one year at a time right now.巴斯委婉的请我再执教几个赛季,但我说‘本赛季结束后,再任教一个赛季吧。’

3.He said that the inauguration of CHP today is in itself quite a remarkable achievement in the space of less than one year .他说生防护中心于不足一年内成立,本身亦是一项重要的成就。

4.Yet despite our collective best efforts, one year on, the capital markets seem to be reverting to business as usual.不过,尽管我们共同竭尽全力,但一年过去了,资本市场似乎正在回归常态。

5.If at least one of the parties to the dispute is an individual, the time pmit is one year.倘争议当事人至少有一方为个人,则申请执行的时间限制为一年。

6.But for one year now, we have had no inspections, no American boots on the ground in Russia able to protect American interests.但现在已经一年了,我们还没有做任何检查,在俄罗斯境内的美国人也不能保护美国的利益。

7.I reproached myself with my easiness, that I would not sow any more corn one year than would just serve me till the next season.我痛责自己偷懒,不肯多种一些粮食,只图能够接得上下一季就算了。

8.At M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, interpreters have to have at least one year of experience doing medical interpretation.在休斯敦安德森癌症中心,口译员必须有至少一年的医疗口译经验。

9.China was a new counpy, one year old, and here it was able to confront the United States, the number one power.当时的中国是个新兴的国家,只有一岁大,居然可以面对美国这个第一强国。

10.Today, I reapzed I have had my laptop for a year and a day, meaning that my one year warranty is up.今天是我买这笔记本一年零一天,也就是说保修期过了。