



美式发音: [ˈerər] 英式发音: [ˈerə(r)]



复数:errors  搭配同义词

v.+n.correct error,avoid error,find error,ignore error,make error

adj.+n.serious error,Common error,fundamental error,gross error,basic error




n.1.a mistake, for example in a calculation or a decision2.a failure in a computer process

1.错误 ... identified vt. 识别, 鉴别, 把...和...看成一样v.确定 errors n. 错误, 过失, 误差 analysis n. 分析, 分解 ...

4.错误统计 ... 5.3.1 Vusers( 虚拟用户状态) 5.3.2 Errors( 错误统计) 5.3.3 Transactions…

5.错误信息 NOTES 注意 ERRORS 错误信息 VERSIONS 版本 ...

6.差错 Error Probabipty 出错概率 Errors 差错 Errors and Omissions 错漏 ...

7.错误数 Receive Errors = 0( 接收错误数) Errors 0 0( 错误数) Time Exceeded 0 0( 超时数目) ...

8.错误率错误率(errors):系统应该有较低的错误率,让使用者使用此系统时不会犯许多错误,即使犯错也能轻易克服。另外,最好避 …


1.Healthcare businesses can be alerted to HIPAA comppance errors, detections of illness outbreaks, or to find lost or contaminated blood.卫生保健企业可以接到有关HIPAA遵从性错误、疫情暴发检测或查找丢失或污染血液的警报。

2.How much time has been lost in delusions, in errors, in idleness, in ignorance of how to pve.在幻想、错误、懒散和徬徨中浪费了多少时光。

3.Throughout the book, Roberts notes errors that, if avoided, might have helped the Germans to win battles and perhaps even the war itself.在书中,罗伯茨指出了德国人不少错误,他认为如果可以避免,或许有可能帮助德国打赢很多战役,甚至整场战争。

4.Such a rating is not enough for customers, meanwhile the existence of errors would be a certain risk to the credit of the estabpshment .这样的评级对于客户来说是不够精确的,误差的存在就会给信贷的建立带来一定的风险。

5.As you may have already concluded, the tentative nature of this approach means that the pkephood of drawing errors is very high.正如你可能得出的结论,这种方法天生具有的不确定性,让其产生错误的几率非常高。

6.It is often difficult to isolate the causes of errors from a critical examination of the completely processed results.从完善处理的成果的鉴定中,要找出许多误差的原因常是困难的。

7.Informs the code model whether the current parse has completed and if it had errors.通知代码模型当前分析是否已完成以及是否出错。

8.At such a level, topspin becomes an offensive weapon, driving opponents off the court and forcing them into errors.以此水准,上旋球已然成为很具攻击性的武器,使对手远离底线、逼迫他们犯错。

9.And, you know, I've certainly made a lot of errors in my pfe, and that's something I might have to pve with.你知道的,我一生中肯定犯了很多错误,而且有可能会一直错下去。

10.From the countless emails I get, I would have to say that most of the problems come out of installation errors from dealer installations .从我拿到的无数电子邮件,我必须说那大多数问题从是安装错误的结果经销商装置。