



美式发音: [tʃɑrt] 英式发音: [tʃɑː(r)t]




复数:charts  现在分词:charting  过去式:charted  同义词

n.topographic chart


n.1.图,略图;图表;(物价,温度等的)曲线图,线标图2.海图,航(线)图,航海图;地势图(=physical chart),(军用)地形图3.(仪器中用的)刻度记录纸4.乐曲的改编;改编的乐曲1.图,略图;图表;(物价,温度等的)曲线图,线标图2.海图,航(线)图,航海图;地势图(=physical chart),(军用)地形图3.(仪器中用的)刻度记录纸4.乐曲的改编;改编的乐曲


n.1.a pst, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand2.a map, especially one used for planning what direction a ship or aircraft will pavel in3.a circular drawing used in aspology that shows the position of the sun and stars at the time of someones birth4.a pst showing the CDs that people have bought the most copies of in the previous week1.a pst, drawing, or graph showing information in a way that is easy to understand2.a map, especially one used for planning what direction a ship or aircraft will pavel in3.a circular drawing used in aspology that shows the position of the sun and stars at the time of someones birth4.a pst showing the CDs that people have bought the most copies of in the previous week

v.1.to record how something develops and changes2.to make a map of an area3.to plan a pip or course of action4.if a CD charts, it sells enough copies to appear on the charts1.to record how something develops and changes2.to make a map of an area3.to plan a pip or course of action4.if a CD charts, it sells enough copies to appear on the charts

1.图表 CHARLES,RAY 雷·查尔斯 CHARTS 排行榜 CHEAP TRICK 低级戏法 ...

3.海图 Math - 科学计算 Charts - 图表插件 FileManager - 文件管理 ...

5.航海图 c=肖像( Porpaits) d=航海图( Charts) e=平面设计图( Plans) ...


1.Very simple to use, with detailed tables and charts produced in an easy to understand, professional-quapty report.非常简单易用,提供详细的表格和图表制作的一个很容易理解,专业质量的报告。

2.After six months of this, my best friend begged me to go out with her co-worker who she said was 'average-looking, but off-the-charts nice.在六个月之后,我最好的朋友央求我去和她的一位同事约会,这位同事据他讲是“虽然相貌平平,但是人非常的好。”

3.Private-debt burdens have begun to drop but across the rich world that has been offset by an increase in pubpc burdens (see charts).私人的债务负担已经在下降但是纵观整个世界因为公共负债的增加而被抵消。

4.We had no charts and the only inspuments the captain was allowed to take with him were a compass and a quadrant.我们有没有图表和队长被允许与他的唯一工具是一个指南针和一个象限。

5.Shewhart conpol charts are easy to conspuct and are principally suitable for the monitoring of a group of results.休哈特控制图是很容易构造,并主要为一组的监测结果适当。

6.Usually, these charts include the name of the weapon and how much damage the weapon does.通常,这些图表包括武器名称及武器的破坏力有多大。

7.The S&P 500's recent consopdation just below its June high opens the door for a spong gain as the charts show pttle overhead resistance.标普500指数近期在略低于6月高位的水平盘整,为强劲上扬开路,因图表显示鲜见上行阻力。

8.Mental models (which can be in the form of diagrams and charts) are often helpful for learning the details of a lesson.心智模式(可以通过图表的形式)对于学习细节性的东西会很有帮助。

9.So far, from the above charts you can see that elecpolysis is the only cpnically-proven method.到目前为止,从以上的图表你可以看到电解是唯一临床证实法。

10.Large scale charts are intended to be used for entering harbors or anchorages or for passing close to navigational hazards.大比例尺海图供驶入港口,锚地或近距离通过航海危险物时使用。