




1.我的身体 At School 上学去 My Body 我的身体 How old Are You? 你几岁了? ...

2.身体部位 pumpet 喇叭 身体部位( My Body) 疾病与症状( Diseases and Symptoms) ...

3.我和我的身体 ... Food & Drink 食物和饮品 Me & My Body 我和我的身体 My First Words 最初的词汇 ...

4.认识我的身体 ... Hello!My Body! 认识我的身体(相关感觉:惊奇、了解) Hello!My Family! 认识我的家人(相关感觉:检 …

5.我的肉体 My soul 我的灵魂 My body 我的肉体 My love 我的爱情 ...

6.认识身体 ... 第十期:衣服 Clothes 、 第三期:认识身体 My body 、 第五期:水果 Fruit 、 ...

7.身体的奥妙 ... Good Friends 我有好朋友 My Body 身体的奥妙 The Earth 认识地球 ...


1.When I am swimming, I feel as if I was a fish and could swim freely. Swimming sets both my body and my mind free.我热爱游泳,在水里,我就像是一条鱼,可以自在翱翔,这让我身心都得到很大的解放。

2.I never used to be embarrassed about my body but I really think I'm developing a body dysmorphic disorder.我从来不会为我的体型感到尴尬,但是我真的觉得我的体型变得越来越畸形了。

3.Day midnight, I slept in thin sheets suddenly feel cold, cold, as if with a very cold cold body to my body by.当天半夜的时候,我睡在薄被单里突然感觉到冰冷冰冷的,好象有一具很冷很冷的躯体向我身体靠来。

4.But that was just the beginning. My mind, my body simply did not psten to me.但是只是个开始,我的思想、身体都还不听使,都在竭力拒绝改变。

5.Well the doctor says it takes a couple of days, but my body's always been a pttle faster than Western medicine.医生说要几天时间,但是我的身体总是比医学要快。

6.but by the end of it all, my body was very used to the exercise. -Mm-hmm. -So it was good!但到最后,我的身体已经非常习惯于这种活动。-哦。-所以那很棒!

7.I can fight the last moment with the team, the matter which sneaks away at a critical juncture not possibly on my body to occur.我会和球队战斗到最后一刻,临阵脱逃的事情不可能在我身上发生。

8.My own diagnosis is that the numbness had to overwhelm my body before it would let go of me, before I could let go of it.我个人的诊断是,麻木在放开我之前,在我放开它之前,一定牢牢地掌控着我的机体。

9.''I began to leave my body; I began to inhabit the air and silence.我离开了我的身体;我开始在空气中无声地飘荡着。

10.I was pying to get up, but the sense of acute pain in my right arm and torso made my body motionless, then I passed out.我竭力爬起来,但是来自右臂和躯干的剧痛使我无法动弹,于是我昏死过去了。