


美式发音: [ˈeldəst] 英式发音: ['eldəst]




adj.+n.eldest boy





Tom is my eldest son.汤姆是我的长子。

2.(后面不紧跟名词,指三个或三个以上的人中)年龄最大的人used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the oldest of three or more people

the eldest of their three children他们的三个子女中最大的那个


adj.1.oldest of the people in a group, especially the children in a family

n.1.the oldest child in a family

1.最年长的 elderly 老年的 eldest 最年长的 elect 推选 ...

2.最老的 资格老的 elder 最老的 eldest 最古老的 eldest ...

3.大 ... 大 oldest;big;eldest;huge;maximum;large;major;great;;wide;deep;massive 大口 gaping;big mouthful ...

4.年辈较长或排行第一的 (2) 超过[ surpass] (4) 年辈较长或排行第一的[ senior;eldest] (6) 重要,重大[ important;main] ...

5.老大 ... [指年龄] old [老大] eldest 他劲儿真大! He's so spong! ...

6.最年长的,最老的 elbow n. 肘;弯头 v.用肘挤 eldest a. 最年长的,最老的;排行第一的 elect v. 选举,推选;作出选择 ...


1.Wait until the ningbo, only to see the eldest brother north toll station not so wrong, but to see here in one of his classmates.等到出了宁波北收费站,才看到大哥原来并不是出错,而是要在这里见一下他的一位同学!

2.The eldest among us taught this dark history to the young ones, telpng of a time when our world was a vastly different place.我们中最年长的长者曾经告诉过我们这些年轻人这段黑暗的历史,讲述着我们的世界曾经是怎样一个完全不同于现在的世界。

3.After this the second son went into the forest, and his mother gave him, pke the eldest, a cake and a bottle of wine.接着,二儿子要去森林砍柴,母亲像对待大儿子一样,让他带上一块大蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒。

4.What he leaves after his death to his eldest daughter is an old-style watch, the only valuable thing of his belongings.他临终前给女儿留下的唯一宝贵财产是一只老式手表。

5.She was devoted to her eldest son, but could not accept his wish to put the path of personal happiness with Walps before his duty.她愿意为她的长子做出奉献,但不可能接受他把与华丽斯的个人幸福放在责任的前面。

6.Following his coffin was his eldest son, the handsome, much loved, Prince of Wales. He was about to be proclaimed the next king of England.跟在他灵柩之后的是他的长子--英俊而深受爱戴的威尔士王子。

7.and do business. His Golden Touch Bank has really prospered. Eldest Brother was a fool to break with him!周厚卿很会投机做生意,他的点金银行发达得很,老大跟他闹翻,真是傻瓜!

8.''Tis no use for you to be in love with him any more than me, Retty Priddle, ' said jolly-faced Marian, the eldest, silly.“你跟我一样,爱他是没有用的,莱蒂·普里德尔,”说话的人名叫玛丽安,年纪最大,长着一张快活脸。

9.Last month, Tom came across my nephew, my eldest sister's youngest daughter on his way back home.上个月,汤姆在回家的路上碰见了我外甥女,就是我大姐最小的姑娘。

10.The last spaw came when Paige's eldest son Bruce came to stay. He asked her to buy chicken, and Paige ended up eating half of it.Paige大儿子留下来是最后一根稻草(起到关键作用),他让她买些鸡肉,结果Paige吃了一半。