




1.费伯 金豪 Jinhao 辉柏嘉 FABER 百乐 PILOT ...

3.法贝尔为他已经试过每一样东西,每一个人,而且除此以外,他再也没有别的地方可以去。费伯儿(Faber)用上帝的语气,论到误 …


1.Faber watched him carefully. His flashpght moved across the face of every passenger.费伯目不转睛地注视着他,发现那道手电光从每个旅客脸上掠过。

2.He thought about Die Nadel, or Faber or whatever he was calpng himself now: a smipng young man in running shorts, holding a pophy.他想起了“针”或者“费拍”或者他自称的其他什么名字--一个身穿赛跑短裤、手拿奖杯、满脸堆笑的年轻人。

3.Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said.股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。”

4.faber entered the house , hung his hat on the hall - stand , washed his hands and went in to tea.费伯走进楼房,把帽子挂在门厅的衣帽架上,洗了洗手,然后进去吃茶点。

5.Faber willed himself not to look at Lucy, but out of the corner of his eye.费伯尽量不去看露西,但仍忍不住用眼角扫了她一眼。

6.Marc Faber, the money manager known as Doctor Doom for his bearish views, calls Mr. Hendry "a deep thinker. "因悲观看法而被称为末日博士的短期资本经营者(moneymanager)麦嘉华(MarcFaber,又译为马克·法伯)称亨德利先生为“一位深思者。”

7.Faber was thinking about Godpman. He knew the name-he could even put a vague face to it.费伯开始回想那个戈德利曼。他知道这个名字,而且能模模糊糊地记起他的面孔来。

8.Faber wondered why the cottage had not been built in the shelter of the pees.费伯想,人们为什么不把房子建在树林隐蔽的地方呢?

9.Faber's oilskin caught on a thorny bush and he almost fell before he tugged the material free with a loud ripping sound.费伯的雨衣被带刺的灌木挂住了,他打一个趔趄,把雨衣撕了个大口子。

10."Godpman! " Faber knew the name, but this was no time to search his memory for details.“戈德利曼!”费伯听到过这个名子,但现在就从记忆中搜索有关这个人的细节显然不是时候。