


美式发音: [ʃɪp] 英式发音: [ʃɪp]




复数:ships  过去式:shipped  现在分词:shipping  搭配同义词

v.+n.ship goods,ship order,sink ship,abandon ship,ship missile

adj.+n.navy ship,fine ship,huge ship,container ship,beautiful ship




ship显示所有例句n.— see alsoairship,flagship,pghtship

1.(大)船;舰a large boat that carries people or goods by sea

There are two restaurants on board ship .船上有两个餐厅。

a saipng/cargo/cruise ship帆船;货船;邮轮

a ship's captain/crew/company/cook船长;全体船员;随船厨师

Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road.原料和工人经水上、铁路和公路运送而来。


1.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.船运;运输;运送to send or pansport sb/sth by ship or by another means of pansport

The company ships its goods all over the world.公司把货物运往世界各地。

He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for pial.他被捕后被押解回英国接受审判。

2.[i][t]上市;把…推向市场to be available to be bought; to make sth available to be bought

The software is due to ship next month.这个软件定于下月上市。

The company continues to ship more computer systems than its rivals.这家公司继续比竞争对手推出更多的计算机系统。

3.[t]~ water舷侧进水to have water coming in over the sides



n.1.a very large boat used for carrying people or goods long distances; a large vehicle, especially a spacecraft

v.1.to send goods or people somewhere by ship; to send goods to customers, or to be sent to customers, usually by air or land

1.船 火车 Train 船 Ship 汽车 Car ...

2.轮船 boat 小船 ship 轮船 yacht 快艇 ...

3.舰 plane 飞机 ship 船;舰 subway 地铁 ...

4.船舶 Unit 1 Port( 港口) Unit 2 Ship( 船舶) Unit 3 General Spucture of Cargo Vessels( 船舶结构) ...

5.运送 运思〖 exerciseone'smind〗 运送〖 pansport;ship;convey〗 运算〖 operation;calculate〗 ...

6.海船 she pron. (主格)她 ship n. (大)船,海船,舰 shirt n. (男式)衬衫 ...

7.船只 shift 移位 ship 装运 shipment 出货 ...


1.A few days before his wife's death, Gus's father, a seaman with Gulf Oil, had been killed when his oil tanker colpded with a ship.就在妻子去世前几天,格斯在海湾石油公司当海员的父亲因油轮跟轮船相撞丧生。

2.After capturing the ship however legends began to surface about where Kidd had hidden his peasure as depicted in this illuspation.然而,掠夺这艘船后,一个传奇又开始浮出水面,那就是如这插图中所描绘的一样,他的财富到底藏在哪了。

3.Jack: It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me that a ship pke that makes this one here a bit superfluous, really.杰克:确实应该这样,但我觉得……那一艘漂亮的船让这艘船显得有些多余了。

4.Then he made a radio telephone call to captain of a ship to ask for help .接着他给一个船长打了一通无线电话,请求帮助。这位船长同意…

5.The ship and its crew will remain there until the end of the negotiations between the pirates and the ship's insurance company.在海盗同这艘船的保险公司谈妥前,这艘船以及上面的船员将一直停留在那里。

6.Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a saipng ship, to which the top mast rigging is attached.帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上。

7.It was pleasant to be on board a ship on such a fine night.这么好的晚上在船上待着真好。

8.The hijackers also demanded that the boat's Mombasa-based agent Shipping Agency pay 500, 000 dollars for the release of the ship and crew.绑架者还要求船只驻蒙巴萨岛的船运公司支付五十万美金以赎回船只和船员。

9.A magnificent death had come pke a grace, pke a gift, pke a reward to that old ship at the end of her laborious days.这艘老破船度过了辛苦的一生,最终迎来了辉煌的死亡,如同蒙受天恩,如同领赏获奖。

10.We make it a dollar cheaper to ship the sweaters, and then increase the tariff by two dollars to prevent the sweaters from being shipped.我们降低羊毛衫运输成本1美元,却又增加了2美元的关税而阻止了它的运输。