


美式发音: ['pɑːteɪ'jɑː] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Travel]a city in Thailand famous for its beaches

1.芭堤雅曼谷 曼谷(Bangkok),为泰国首都,其泰文全名为「尊贵又美丽的..…

4.帕塔亚【从帕塔亚Pattaya)或沙美岛(Koh Samet)出发的巴士】每天从帕塔亚出发的小型巴士通过Ban Pae(前往沙美岛的渡轮码头…

5.泰国芭堤雅同问泰国芭堤雅(pattaya)3D立体美术馆 怎么去?具体位置在哪 2012-10-26 19:52 至李明言 | 分类:度假旅游 提问者采纳 分享 …

6.芭堤亚芭堤亚, 人妖 生活 的另类 天堂   越战期间,芭堤亚(pattaya)是美国军队的重要驻扎基地,对于明天即将赶赴战场,生死未卜的 …

7.泰国芭提雅是一座位于泰国芭提雅pattaya)的星级豪华酒店。酒店内部的室内设计提取了海洋元素,设置了一系列模仿海浪涌动,沙滩 …

8.芭他雅地区号码: 曼谷(Bangkok)02 芭他雅Pattaya)038 普吉岛(Phuket)076 清迈(Chiang Mai) 053 苏梅岛(Samui Island…


1.And when I told him that Pattaya was one of my destinations, he asked, `Isn`t that place famous for its sex industry?而当我告诉他我要去芭堤雅时,他问道:‘那个地方的色情业不是很出名吗?

2.Since the beginning of the year, the office has arrested 12 foreign criminals hiding out in Pattaya, Colonel Atiwit said.据阿提维上校介绍,年初以来,警署已经逮捕了12名藏身芭堤雅的外国罪犯。

3.Many criminals seem to find refuge in Pattaya, the seedy seaside resort southeast of Bangkok known for its vast stretches of girly bars.许多罪犯好像都在芭达雅寻找庇护所,这个位于曼谷东南边破旧的海边度假地,以其一片大量的适合女孩的酒吧而出名。

4.Mini Siam in Pattaya is where you can take a gpmpse of famous attractions around the world in a pmited time.迷你沙炎在芭提雅里,你可以饱览风景名胜世界在限一段时间。

5.The cobras were released onto a stage set up in the resort town of Pattaya Saturday.周六,这些眼镜蛇就放在旅游胜地帕塔亚某地的一个舞台上。

6.But those seeking to be heard in Pattaya wanted recognition as independent actors who have made their own choices.但这些在帕提亚参会寻求发言的性工作者们,想要人们承认他们是出于自己选择的独立表演者。

7.Pattaya has a growing number of fancy restaurants, an annual music festival and, perhaps most improbably, regular polo tournaments.芭堤雅高档餐厅越来越多,还有一年一度的音乐节,或许最难以置信地是,定期还有马球联赛。

8.Pattaya has one of Thailand's highest concentrations of go-go bars, massage parlours and other shop windows for the sex trade.帕塔亚是泰国艳舞酒吧、按摩院和其它橱窗式性交易最集中的地区之一。

9.Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand.沙滩、阳光和尽情挥洒的快乐使芭堤雅海滩成为泰国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

10.Wide acceptance is given to all, including a katoey, a transvestite at an upscale Pattaya cabaret, featuring male performers.它广泛接受所有的事物,包括人妖、帕塔亚高档夜总会里歌舞表演的异装癖者和角色反串的男性表演者。