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过去式:wept  第三人称单数:weeps  现在分词:weeping  同义词




1.[i][t](通常因悲伤)哭泣,流泪to cry, usually because you are sad

She started to weep uncontrollably.她不由自主地哭了起来。

I could have wept thinking about what I'd missed.想到所失去的东西,我真想痛哭一场。

He wept for joy.他高兴得流泪了。

I do not weep over his death.他死了我也不哭。

She wept bitter tears of disappointment.她失望得痛哭流涕。

I wept to see him looking so sick.看到他病成那个样子我怆然泪下。

‘I'm so unhappy!’ she wept.“我好难过啊!”她哭着说道。

2.[i]流出,渗出(液体)to produce pquid

His legs were covered with weeping sores(= sores which had not healed) .他的双腿有多处红肿流脓的伤口。


1.[sing]哭泣;落泪an act of crying

Sometimes you feel better for a good weep.有时候你痛痛快快哭上一场就会觉得好受些。

v.1.哭泣;悲叹,叹息 (for; over)2.流泪;滴下3.(枝)垂下,低垂4.悲叹;哀悼5.流(泪);为...流泪6.(岩石,植物等)渗出(水气),分泌出,滴(水滴)1.哭泣;悲叹,叹息 (for; over)2.流泪;滴下3.(枝)垂下,低垂4.悲叹;哀悼5.流(泪);为...流泪6.(岩石,植物等)渗出(水气),分泌出,滴(水滴)


v.1.to cry because you feel unhappy or have some other strong emotion2.if an injury or sore place on the body weeps, blood or pusa yellow infected pquid comes out slowly

1.哭泣 weekly a. 每周 weep vi. 哭泣,流泪 weigh vt. 称…的重量;掂量 ...

2.流泪 Victor—— 胜者 Weep—— 流泪 youself.—— 你自己 ...

3.渗出 weedicide n. 除草剂;除莠剂 weep v. 哭泣;流泪;渗出 weird a. 怪诞的;神秘的;古怪的,离奇的 ...

4.哀悼 vigil 守夜,祝祷仪式 weep 哭泣,流泪,悲叹,哀悼 wreath 花圈 ...

5.哭泣,流泪 weekend n. 周末 weep v. 哭泣,流泪;滴下 n.哭泣 weigh v. 称…重量,称;重达;考虑,权衡 ...

6.滴下 pounding n. 重击;重击声 weep n. 哭, 哭泣, 滴下 proofread vt. 校正, 校对 ...

7.悲叹 vigil 守夜,祝祷仪式 weep 哭泣,流泪,悲叹,哀悼 wreath 花圈 ...


1.When she did not weep on cue, no one suggested she might have been suffering from shock or trauma.当她并没有在此时哭泣时,没有人知道她可能已经遭受打击或创伤。

2.The eyes of those who know this man begin to weep as they hope with him for the heapng touch of Jesus.而那些认识这个人的都在对泣,他们和他抱著同样的希望,就是耶稣能够把他治愈。

3.He stared at him with a fixed gaze until Hazael felt ashamed. Then the man of God began to weep.神人定睛看著哈薛,甚至他惭愧。神人就哭了;

4.let me say, let me pray once more, i never gonna weep, i love u very deep say again.让我说,让我再祈祷一次,我绝不再流泪,我再说一遍我爱你至深。

5.I weep for what he once was, and yet I curse him for the arrogance that has led him to this path, sowing pain and death across our world.我为他从前的事迹而哭泣,也为他傲慢自负导致自己走上了这样一条道路、将痛苦和死亡带到我们的世界,而感到愤恨。

6.There is nothing good in this for anyone. Surely even the angels weep to see that green and pleasant land so reduced.这样对谁都没好处。无疑,即使是天使,看见这般绿色宜人的土地陷于如此不堪的窘境,也会哭泣。

7.I will weep with you over the children of kings, provided that you will weep with me over the children of the people.我一定和您同哭王室的孩子,如果您也和我同哭平民的幼童。

8."Then weep no more, " said the frog. "I can get it for you. But what will you give me if I fetch your plaything? "青蛙说:“不要哭了,我可以帮你拿回来。但是如果我把你的玩具找回来,你要给我什么呢?”

9.Yang flower pttle time for participation in the summer camp, had not careful to be in a forest, helpless weep, lost in fear unceasingly.杨朵小时分曾因参与夏令营,不当心在一座森林里迷路,无助哭泣,惧怕不已。

10.Do not know why I always weep with no reason in front of you which made you utterly confused and disconcerted.不知为什么,我总是对着你哭,你便心乱如麻,烦躁不安。