


美式发音: [ˈmoʊmənˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈməʊmənt(ə)ri]




Adj.+n.momentary pause





1.短促的;短暂的;片刻的lasting for a very short time

a momentary lapse of concentration走神儿

momentary confusion一时糊涂


adj.1.lasting for only a very short time

1.瞬间的 moment 瞬间 momentary 瞬间的 monarch 君主 ...

2.瞬息间的 loosen vi. 变松 momentary a. 瞬息间的,片刻的 norm n. 标准,规范;平均数 ...

3.短暂的 molecule 分子,微粒 momentary 短暂的,随时的 monarch 君主,最高统治者 ...

4.瞬时的 momentary switch 瞬时开关 momentary 瞬时的 momentum conservation equation 动量守 …

5.短时的 ) negpgent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 ) momentary 瞬时的, 短时的 ) social 社会的 ...

6.片刻的 moment n. 时刻,瞬间 momentary adj. 片刻的,瞬间的 momentous adj. 重要的, …

7.暂时的 moment ① 瞬间,片刻 ②力矩 momentary 瞬时的,暂时的 moment of force 力矩 ...


1.What now? A momentary flame of fury burst in Dooku as he thought of his old friend on his ship, laughing at how he'd outmaneuvered him.现在怎么办?一想到他的老朋友现在正坐在自己的飞船内嘲笑他的失算,一瞬间,狂怒之火突然在杜库心中爆发燃烧。

2.It was a momentary chance for the team in navy blue, as England continued to pepper Tim Howard's goal.这是身着海军蓝球衣的美国队瞬间即逝的机会,接着英格兰队就继续向蒂姆·霍华德的球门发起密集的攻击。

3.It was not till 'nammet'-time, about three o'clock, that Tess raised her eyes and gave a momentary glance round.大约在三点钟,还不到吃茶点的时候,苔丝抬起头来,往四周看了一眼。

4.Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost.刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。

5.Certainly it's easy to get too obsessive about such details, but they are worth at least momentary consideration.当然很容易过分纠缠到这些细节中,但至少在脑子里要考虑到这个方面。

6.His momentary weakness had vanished with the explanation of a mystery which his own experience had not served to fathom.他的经验所不能解决的疑团,现在已经得到解释,因而,刚才那种一时的懦弱已经随之消失。

7.The momentary elation evaporated as he turned to look up and down the corridor.他转身上下打量着这走廊的时候,瞬间的喜悦顷刻消失了。

8.You cannot lapse at this time beloveds; for a momentary lapse could result in an energetic strike by the dark ones against you.亲爱的,你们不能在这个时刻退缩,因为瞬间的退缩可能导致黑暗势力有力的反击。

9.Enjoy the moment, of course, but it will take real commitment to turn a momentary spark into a lasting fire.享受当下,是一定的,不过你的承诺才是能把那些值得怀念的火花变成真正的火焰的东西。

10.the ghastpness of her momentary pride would convict her, and recall her to reserved pstlessness again.在她暂时出现的骄傲里,有一种可怕的东西谴责了她,于是她又变得没精打采起来。