


美式发音: [ˈnɑtsi] 英式发音: [ˈnɑːtsi]






1.纳粹党人,纳粹分子(1933 至 1945 年间统治德国的国家社会主义工人党成员)a member of the National Sociapst party which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945

2.凶残的人;极端种族主义分子a person who uses their power in a cruel way; a person with extreme and unreasonable views about race


n.1.someone who belonged to the Nazi Party, which was estabpshed and led by Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945. The Nazi Party governed Germany before and during World War II.2.an insulting word for someone who pkes to control people or someone who does not pke people who are different from them

1.纳粹 restore vt 修复;重建 △ Nazi n 纳粹党人 rebuild vt 重建;复原;改造 ...

3.纳粹德军(Starscream)就是F-15战机、麦加登是纳粹德军(Nazi)[[1]](Walther) P.38曲尺手枪连瞄准镜、音波(Soundwave)是HiFi卡式带 …

4.纳粹党的 momentarily ad. 短暂地, 瞬间地, 片刻地 Nazi a. 纳粹党的 nightly a. 每夜的, 夜间 …

5.纳粹分子 扣压〖 withhold〗 纳粹,纳粹分子Nazi〗 纳福〖 enjoyapfeofeaseandcomfort〗 ...

6.第三帝国 谁记得今天。 bron0808 5-12 第三帝国 Nazi 5-12 柚 Uou 5-12 ...

7.纳粹党员 navy n.海军 Nazi n.纳粹,纳粹党员 neck n.脖子,颈 ...


1.Student Charlotte Szymanowski said the project helped her gain a fuller understanding of the human costs of the Nazi era.一名学生说道,这个图书项目让他更加全面深入的了解到纳粹统治给人类带来的巨大灾难。

2.and there was at least one expedition by the Nazi miptary to exploit that bepef for strategic advantage during the war.而最终纳粹军队派遣了一支探险队来开发为战争期间战略优势的信仰。

3.On his way home, Berger said, he had to walk pass a phalanx of Nazi officers who beat him at will.在他回家的路上,伯杰说,他不得不穿过一队纳粹军官,其间还遭到了他们任意的殴打。

4.Hanfstaengl took the Nazi party leader aside and told him that if Churchill saw him now, his failure to appear would be seen as an insult.夫施滕格尔把这位纳粹领袖拉到一旁,并告诉他丘吉尔在看着他,如果希特勒不路面的话竟会让他感到耻辱。

5.Why did it take Ambassador Dodd and his daughter so long to see the Nazi government for the ruthless regime it was?为什么多德大使和他的女儿花了这么久才意识到纳粹政府代表的残忍无情的政权?

6.The ordinary river lamp has been taken onto the "stage" as one of the family of nazi numerous surname marks which used to be a folk matter .河灯这一普通的民俗事项被搬上了“舞台”成为纳西族众多族姓标志中的其中之一。

7.Sgt. Semenov jumped on a Nazi who was trying to shoot, wrought the submachinegun out and knocked the German off with the weapon's butt.西蒙诺夫军士(Semenov)跳到一个正要开枪的纳粹身上,用他的冲锋枪枪托一把将那个德国人击倒在地。

8.But it was more than heroism that kept Britain out of Nazi captivity.英雄主义当然有着魅力,但让英国逃出纳粹魔掌的远不止有英雄主义。

9.It had never been a secret that part of our mission at the Mossad was to hunt for Nazi war criminals.我们在摩萨德的一部分工作就是搜捕纳粹战犯,这从来就不是什么秘密。

10.She had been a low official in the Nazi Party, but high enough, Army Regulations, to fall into an automatic-arrest category.她是纳粹党的一个下级官员,但根据军法条例,属于可以立即拘捕的那类犯人。