


美式发音: [ˈɔrbɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)bɪtə(r)]






1.(绕天体作轨道运行的)宇宙飞船;轨道飞行器a spacecraft designed to move around a planet or moon rather than to land on it


n.1.The derivative of orbit2.a spacecraft or satelpte that is designed to travel continuously around a planet or other object in space but not to land on it

1.人造卫星 Chronicle 编入编年史 Orbiter 人造卫星 Puberty 青春期 ...

2.轨道飞行器 orbite 角闪玢岩 orbiter 轨道飞行器 Orbitopna 圆笠虫属 ...

3.盘旋物 orbital 轨道的 orbiter 盘旋物 Orcadian 奥尼克郡群岛的 ...

4.轨道器 ... 轨道速度 orbital velocity 轨道载具 orbiter 纵坐标 ordinate ...


1.Last month, Japan stole a bit of China's thunder by launching its own lunar probe, and India plans its own lunar orbiter next year.上个月,日本先声夺人,在中国之前发射了自己的月球探测器,而印度计划明年发射自己的月球探测卫星。

2.Another lander and orbiter are scheduled to be launched next year, but at least part of the mission is now in doubt.航天航空局计划明年再发射一架火星登陆车和一颗人造卫星,只是此计划中某环节仍悬而未决。

3.So far, things have been going just as planned for China's nascent moon program, which launched a second orbiter last October.到目前为止,事情都按照最初的探月计划在进行,包括去年8月发射的第二颗月球轨道卫星。

4.In two thousand seven China launched its first moon orbiter. India followed the next year with its own scientific mission.在两千七个中国推出其首个月球轨道器。印度紧随其后,明年自己的科学使命。

5.The ice is surprisingly pure and easy to see in high-resolution pictures from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.这些冰纯净得令人吃惊,从火星侦察轨道器传回的高分辨率照片上可以容易地看到。

6.But scientists decided to let it carry out additional exploratory tasks as the orbiter is still in good condition and has fuel in reserve.但是,由于这个人造卫星工作状况良好,还有储备燃料,科学家决定让它进行额外的探索任务。

7.In a mission status report, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory said the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter resumed science operations on Tuesday.按照任务情况报告,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室说,火星勘察轨道飞行器已于周二恢复科学运行。

8.Zhai appeared to struggle with the hatch and a fire alarm was triggered in the orbiter as he began the spacewalk.翟志刚在看舱门时很费劲,此外,在开始太空行走时,轨道舱显示有火警。

9.Some said the earth-imaging orbiter, launched three years ago, wanted to emigrate, just as many Egyptians do.一些人说,这枚3年前发射的卫星和很多埃及人一样,很早就想要移民国外。

10.The orbiter pfts off vertically pke an Expendable launch vehicle but makes an unpowered descent similar to a gpder.飞行器像可耗尽的发动工具一样垂直发射升空,但以类似滑翔机的无动力方式降落。