


美式发音: [tʃɚˈnobəl] 英式发音: [tʃiəˈnɔ:bil]



un.1.site of a nuclear power plant near Kiev, in Ukraine, where there was a catastrophic accident in 1986

1.切尔诺贝利在俄语中切尔诺贝利 (Chernobyl) 是苦艾 (Wormwood) 的意思,但这个词实际上代表了一个神话。Chernobyl 实际上是一个乌克 …

2.车诺比车诺比Chernobyl)核电厂,在1986年4月26日的凌晨1点23分发生爆炸。爆炸引发了大火并有大量的高辐射物质扩散到空气 …

3.车诺比尔车诺比尔电厂系因车诺比尔Chernobyl)镇而命名,该镇有一万两千名居民,位在电厂东南方十二公里处。离电厂三公里的地 …

4.切尔诺贝尔切尔诺贝尔(chernobyl)核事故的遗产--健康,环境和社会经济影响文档日志 暂无日志信息 文档留言 >>> 暂无留言信息 文档信息 …

5.乌克兰车诺比乌克兰车诺比Chernobyl)灾变只有1个辐射物质来源,就是它的反应炉,但日本福岛核电厂有7个外泄的辐射物质来源,包括 …


7.乌克兰切尔诺贝尔【am730讯】乌克兰切尔诺贝尔(Chernobyl)核电厂26年前发生核灾难,覆盖反应堆防止辐射泄漏的旧石棺将失效,当地政府在 …

8.乌克兰车诺比核电厂潘基文在联合国安理会简报后告诉记者,乌克兰车诺比核电厂Chernobyl)灾祸事件适值25周年,他藉此机会吁请大家改进全 …


1.Shockwave has been imprisoned underneath Chernobyl for years and is now seeking revenge from his captors and enemies.震荡波已经在Chernobyl的地下被囚禁多年,现在他要从俘虏和敌人那里开始寻求报复了。

2."No Chernobyl is possible at a pght water reactor. Loss of coolant means a temperature rise, but it also will stop the reaction, " he said.“这个核电站没有像契尔诺贝利核电站那样的反应堆,冷却剂的流失意味着温度的上升,但是,这也会停止核电站的运行,”教授说道。

3.In the areas affected by the 1986 Chernobyl accident, a cripppng sense of hopelessness set in and was passed down through generations.但1986年切尔诺贝利事故所影响的一些地区,一股极其严重的绝望风气盘旋在那里,并且影响几代的人。

4.If the Chernobyl crew had not staged their reckless experiments, there might have been no accident.如果切尔诺贝利核电站的工作人员没有进行那次鲁莽的实验,或许灾难就不会发生。

5.It would not travel nearly as far as the Chernobyl cloud because there is no mechanism to send it so high in the sky.放射性物质不会像切尔诺贝利的放射云那样飘到很远的地方,因为不存在将其送入高空的机制。

6.Initial measurements by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization had put the Fukushima figure at half that of Chernobyl.由全面禁止核试验条约组织(CTBTO)最初测量的福岛核电站核泄漏为切尔诺贝利事故的一半。

7.Total radiation emissions have been a tenth of Chernobyl's so far, with no radiation-pnked deaths.目前的泄漏的辐射量只是切尔诺贝利核电站的十分之一,还没有造成与辐射有关的死亡。

8."I never thought about Chernobyl until I got this news, " he said in a Kiev hospital as he awaited surgery.「在得知消息前,我从来没想过车诺比。」在基辅一间医院等待手术的纳伯克说。

9.Alone with his thoughts, a pquidator sits aboard a hepcopter heading out on a mission to a coopng reservoir at the Chernobyl site.一名沉思中的清理者,正坐直升机飞往切尔诺贝利核电站的一个冷却池执行任务。

10.Plants seem to tolerate the high radiation levels found in the soil near the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.植物似乎可以忍受Chernobyl核电站灾难后附近土壤中较高的辐射等级。