


美式发音: [sɑrˈkæstɪk] 英式发音: [sɑː(r)ˈkæstɪk]




adj.+n.sarcastic tone,sarcastic comment




1.讽刺的;嘲讽的;挖苦的showing or expressing sarcasm

sarcastic comments冷嘲热讽的话

a sarcastic manner嘲讽的态度

‘There's no need to be sarcastic,’ she said.“不必挖苦人嘛。”她说。


adj.1网站屏蔽ing sarcasm to upset someone or to show anger

1.讽刺的 pessimistic 悲观的 sarcastic 讽刺的 indifferent 漠不关心的 ...

2.挖苦的 Atlantic 大西洋的 sarcastic 讽刺的,挖苦的 dead 死的,无生命的 ...

3.讥讽的 Atlantic 大西洋的 sarcastic 讽刺的,讥讽的 dead 死的,无生命 的 ...

4.嘲讽的 compromising 妥协的 sarcastic 嘲讽的 pessimistic 悲观的 ...

5.讽剌的 bombastic 唱高调的 sarcastic 讽剌的 elastic 有弹性的,灵活的 ...


1.he enquired in a furiously sarcastic e-mail that was so long it must have taken half the day to tap out on his BlackBerry.这封邮件如此之长,想必他肯定花了半天的时间,不停地敲打自己的黑莓。

2."Hi, " one of the men called, his tone both confident and a bit sarcastic.“嗨,”其中一个男人打了声招呼,他的语调满含自信,也隐约有些嘲讽的意味。

3.Albert: That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman.艾尔伯特:那种讽刺轻蔑的语气,好像因为你是男人就什么都知道,而我是女人就什么都不知道。

4.It was an indocile, a scornful and a sarcastic face-the face of a man difficult to lead and impossible to drive.这是一张倔强的、倨傲的,又爱好挖苦的脸,一张属于一个难以领导的,也难于驱使的人的脸。

5.When someone wishes someone else "good luck" in the manner as you did, it is usually a sarcastic thing.你这种祝别人“好运的”方式实际上是在挖苦别人。

6.Q. He was being sort of sarcastic about hard work, that you're an overnight sensation by working hard.他曾经嘲讽过很努力的训练,打球,而你是因为自己的努力而一夜成名的。

7.Sarcastic comments included: "Trees died for this book? " and, for a smart phone: "All the features you want -- too bad they don't work! "讽刺性的评论包括:“难道这本书要等到花儿也谢了?”还有关于智能电话的:“所有的特性应有尽有,包括智能到根本就不听使唤!”

8.She was all loving to me at first, but then she got sarcastic and said she couldn't stand the sight of me.起初她爱我爱得不能自拔,可后来她就变得好挖苦人了,她说她见到我就够了。

9.And I hate to be so ironic and sarcastic about it but it's the truth.我不想讽刺什么,但这是事实。

10.5 children would rather be cactus stabbed, is not wilpng to hear of his sarcastic adults.小孩宁愿被仙人掌刺伤,也不愿意听见大人们对他的冷嘲热讽。