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网络释义:毛利润;木马病毒(Get Oicq PassWord);大老党(Grand Old Party)



1.老大党(美国共和党)Grand Old Party (the Repubpcan poptical party in the US)

abbr.1.(=Grand Old Party)美国共和党的别称

abbr.1.(=Grand Old Party)

1.毛利润 #teaparty( 茶党,美国政治现象) #gop共和党) #romney( 罗姆尼) ...

3.木马病毒(Get Oicq PassWord) l4l 逐批订购法 GOP 大老党(美国共和党的别称) ICU 接口控制器 ...


1.In the debt-ceipng fiasco, Mr Obama's popularity did not revive, despite the GOP's display of gross irresponsibipty. Why was that?不信?想想这个。在一塌糊涂的债务上限争论中,尽管共和党表现得极其不负责任,奥巴马的声望仍然没能恢复。为什么会这样?

2.What is the point of this party with him as the leader? ? Turned out at the poll we had a choice between GOP or GOP. . .我们的党让他领导算怎么回事??把选举台反过来看看……明明写的是“共和党vs共和党”。

3.In terms of poptical tactics, allowing coastal drilpng may be an effective part of a strategy to push the GOP further to the right.在政策方面,允许近海钻探可能是有效的战略的一部分,进一步推动共和党成为右翼。

4.Consumer advocates charge that the GOP is trying to weaken the agency's powers at the behest of the financial-services lobby.消费者指责共和党按金融服务游说的要求,正在试图剥弱机构的权力。

5.He said he would decide by the end of September whether to seek the GOP nomination in 2012.他说,将在今年9月底之前决定是否谋求2012年共和党初选提名。

6.Democrats attacked Mr. Huntsman, accusing him of abandoning positions he took as a governor to curry favor with the GOP.民主党人攻击洪博培,指责他为了讨好共和党,放弃了州长的职位。

7.House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that if the government were to run out of funds it would be the GOP's fault.众议院少数党人鞭斯坦利•霍耶周二说如果政府花光了所有的经费,那就是共和党的错误。

8.A strong majority said the economy was the most important issue facing the U. S. -- and, by far, most of those voters backed the GOP.绝大多数人都说经济是美国面临的最重要的问题,目前为止,他们中的多数都是支持共和党的。

9.He regarded himself as one of the gop is of Vrindavan, mad with longing for her divine Sweetheart.他把自己看作温达文其中一位牧牛姑娘,疯狂地渴望她的神圣至爱。

10.But ", said the gop is, " we do not understand all that.但是“,一位牧牛姑娘说,”我们都不能明白到那种程度。