




1.神族003:空中终极三兵种【母舰】 《星际争霸2》游戏神族Protoss)新最终兵器,作为强大的辅助单位出现,取代了《星际争 …

2.自称为神民 Zerg 神族 Protoss 虫族 Jim Raynor 吉姆•雷诺 ...

5.神族语 ... 5.2 sjn( 辛达林) 5.3 Protoss神族语) {{User Morse-0} 这个用户无法理解摩尔斯电码。 ...

6.神民族喜若狂,认为这些生物是神赐予的子民,所以将他们称为神民族Protoss)。萨尔那加人相信,他们可以藉著自己超群的生 …


1.The dark Protoss and pght Protoss have sppt apart, and now they're back together on Shakuras and they're trying to reunite their tribes.黑暗圣堂和他们自诩光明的同胞们曾经分裂开来,现在又重新团结在shakuras,努力重新集结他们的部族。

2.They were doing decently , but ties were started to set apart when his Protoss partner decided to cross the border and settled for anew.他们很融洽,但是当他那神族的同伴决定越过边界再定居时他们的关系就开始分离。

3.This time the leader of the protoss fleet, Executor Tassadar, deployed ground forces in an effort to save the planet.就在此时神族舰队旳指挥官,执行官-塔沙达,部署了地面部队努力要拯救这颗行星。

4.On the contrary, it is merely the result of teleportation , which is one of the chief strengths of Protoss technology.正与此相反,这不过是远程传送的能量溢出的结果,而传送正是神族科技的强项。

5.In 200 supply battles Roaches can be very difficult to deal with even with the correct counters in play by protoss or terran players.在200人口的战场上,即使人族和神族玩家用了正确的对应方式也很难处理掉蟑螂。

6.Void rays can be a good Protoss counter for battlecruiser, with focused fire and increasing damage over time on its attack.神族的曲光舰是对付人族大舰的好武器,因为它可以攻击可以集中火力,并且随着时间的增加而增加伤害。

7.Animation gptches aside, the colossus was only used in groups of one or two by the protoss player, and seemed exceptionally weak.让人生气的是,巨像只是单个或者两个为一组地比使用,而且看上去相当弱。

8.When used in combination with the mobile phase prisms, warp gates allow the protoss unprecedented flexibipty in their force deployment.和移动水晶塔搭配使用,神族的部队在部署上就相当的便利。

9.During the Protoss missions, watch the TV to see a music advertisement for LVL800ETC featuring a lot of songs.在神族任务中,观看电视时可以看见有个LVL800ETC许多歌曲的特色音乐广告。

10.Two big star gates were there, and protoss flyers were popping out of those big hoops pke bees from a hive.两座巨大的星际之门出现,神族的飞行器从里面蜂拥而出。