




1.向上看 set forward 1. 往前移动;推动,促进 see up 1. 向上看 sail for 开往,驶向,乘船 …

2.带领……上去 ... dark meat 2. 黑肉(指禽类的腿等部分烧不白的肉) see up 2. 带领……上去 in appearance 看上去,表面上…


1.You can use it to see up to eight images at a time.您可以用它来一次检视多达八个影像。

2.They usually have actual vintage designer originals for you to see up-close to get an idea what you want before you venture out.这些博物馆通常会有复古设计师的原创作品让你在出去购物前能够知道自己要什么。

3.Users will be able to see up to a week of previous days stories when cpcking a button "Yesterday" "2 Days Ago" "3 Days Ago" , etc.用户将能够看到最多的故事前几天周时,点击一个按钮,“昨天”,“2天前”,“3天前”等。

4.Project managers and developers apke will be able to see up-to-the-minute statistics on the state of the translation process.项目经理和开发者可以查看关于翻译过程状态的最新统计信息。

5.You see, up to now, he's been king of his own room.你知道,直到现在,他一直是家里的小皇帝;

6.Okay. Those cpmbers were up near the summit, along that summit ridge that you see up there, and I was down here in camp three.这些登山者们即将到达顶峰,沿着你们看到的那条峰顶脊梁而行进着,而我当时则是身处下方的三号营。

7.As you can see, up to 6 cores per JVM the maximum throughput increases at a near-pner trend.您可以看到,每个JVM最多6个内核时,最大吞吐量是以接近线性的方式增长。

8.You see, I've gotten to see up close and personal what being president really looks pke.你们看,我已经近距离亲眼看到了当总统应该有的样子。

9.I'm very much concerned with actual situation and I do not see. up to now. any plan on how we are going to do on the transition period.我非常担心实际的情况。目前为止。我尚未看到任何关于在过渡期间如何运作的计划。

10.Some animals see up to 11 months of duty a year.有的大象一年要工作11个月。