




1.一夜情 ... someone wouldn't know 没有理由知道 one-night-stand 一夜情 overcooked 火候过了 ...

2.一夜的夫妻 ... in touch with 和……联系紧密 one-night-stand 一夜的夫妻 criticize vt. 批评;挑剔;责难 ...


1.The analytical part of my brain says that the best thing would be to leave it here, call it an excellent one-night stand, but I can't.我脑袋的分析部分告诉我最好是就此结束,把它当做一次很美的一夜情,但我做不到。

2.A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum.英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。

3.Although she only had a one night stand with him, she still thought about him often.虽然他和她只是度过一个美好的晚上,她却常常想起对方。

4.Uh, mom, this wasn't a one night stand. He's been going out with Ms. Britt for a few months now.嗯…妈妈,这不是一夜情。他跟Britt太太已经交往了几个月了。

5.Unless he knocks up a one-night stand, Leo's got some time before he fathers a beautiful (you know it's gonna be) child.除非他不小心把一个一夜情对象的肚子给搞大了,我估计我们还要等很久很久。

6.So when guys are out on the prowl for a one night stand what do they really look for in a girl for their one night of meaningless action?因此,当男人们伺机想要一夜情,并煞费苦心地寻找他们心仪的女孩的时候,这种行为真的毫无意义吗?

7.If you desire a one-night-stand from a woman, she will need a self-image packed with a sense of adventure and spontaneity to follow through.如果你想要一个和你一夜情的女人,她的自我形象就需要是放荡风流,自发自愿的,这样才能和你“坚持到底”。

8.Whether you went on this date looking for a girlfriend or looking for a one-night stand, you know exactly what you want.不管你和她约会的目的是真心找女朋友还是只想一夜情,你对自己的目的相当清楚。

9.Guys tend to let the confidence of a one-night stand inflate their egos, sometimes in a demeaning way.男人通常因为一夜情带来的自信而自我膨胀,有时会甚至会伤害到对方。

10.He wished that it hadn't been a one night stand because he had left his bag at her house and wanted to get it back.他希望和她不仅仅是一晚,因为在她家丢了包,他想要包包回到手里。