




1.吉格斯地的环境保护人士纷纷站出来(Come out)指责吉格斯(Giggs),说他是在破坏外地梓里般的生态环境。


4.曼联老将吉斯   曼联老将吉斯Giggs)受伤,韩国翼将朴智星明晨或能首发。由于翼将巴伦西亚(Valencia)以及中场哈格里夫斯(Hargreave…

5.曼联凭老将杰斯又讲番场波,下半场曼联凭老将杰斯 (Giggs) 两次助功,贝碧托夫 (Berbatov) 先拔头筹,奥沙 (O'Shea) 埋斋,以 2:0 击败史 …

6.吉格斯原年球衣umbro曼联1992-1993客场吉格斯原年球衣giggs) 一口价 ¥ 1999.00 lecoqsportif公鸡1986年阿根廷马纳多纳冠军主场足球队 …


1.Not that it had anything to do with Park, or indeed any other United player except Giggs.但这与朴智星无关,事实上除了吉格斯与曼联任何人都无关。

2.Ryan Giggs continued to turn back the clock, as the 37-year-old looked razor sharp and scored the game's most difficult goal.吉格斯继续让时光倒流,37岁的他看起来依旧锋利并且在球队最困难的时候取得进球。

3.All worthy picks, but Giggs, 37, should have at least been on the pst, if not at the top of it.他们都有资格当选,但37岁的吉格斯如果无法当选的话,至少也应该进入大名单才是。

4."He's had a bit of stick about his celebration, " added Ryan Giggs.“他对庆祝动作不太满意,”吉格斯说。

5.As Ryan Giggs, his former team-mate, joked: "Becks hasn't changed since I've known him - he's always been a flash cockney git. "正如他的前队友瑞恩-吉格斯(RyanGiggs)开玩笑所说的那样:“自打我认识他以来,贝克就没变过——他一直就是个花里胡哨、百无一用的东区伦敦佬。”

6."As a youngster he was one of the players I looked up to alongside the pkes of Roy Keane, Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs, " revealed the Scot.“作为一个球员我是看着他、斯科尔斯、吉格斯和基恩踢球长大的,”苏格兰人说。

7."The idea was that Anderson would replace Scholes and Nani would replace Giggs in the long term, " said Ferguson.“我的想法是在长期的计划中让安德森将代替斯科尔斯,而纳尼将代替吉格斯,”弗格森说。

8.At this rate Liverpool fans might even forgive him for idopsing Manchester United star Ryan Giggs when he was growing up on Wearside.按此速度发展下去,利物浦球迷甚至会忘记,亨德森在小时候,将曼联球星吉格斯视为自己的偶像。

9.Paul Scholes was singled out for giving away the ball, but even the otherwise outstanding Ryan Giggs was culpable .斯科尔斯因为丢球被点名批评,表现优异的吉格斯也没逃过批评。

10.Ryan Giggs was named the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) Players' Player of the Year at a gala dinner in London on Sunday night.周日在伦敦举行的一个庆祝晚宴上,赖安。吉格斯被职业球员协会(PFA)评为年度最佳球员。