




1.l杠杆 ... friction 摩擦 leve l 杠杆 pulley 滑轮 ...

2.水平 ... 语言 laguage 水平 leve, 自我评价 self evaluation ...

3.杠杆(leverage)终也会直接通过公司的财务杠杆来体现,所以本文以财务杠杆 (LEVE)来衡量公司的筹资决策;对于投资决策,则以资本开支规模(L…

4.下肢静脉曲张症 ... ) lower extremities 下肢浅静脉曲张 ) LEVE 下肢静脉曲张症 ...

5.烈威 奥林匹亚 olympia 烈威 LEVE 宾尼亚 Banlear ...


1.But for various reasons, the East Asian monetary cooperation remains at a lower leve and develops slowly in general.但碍于各种原因,东亚货币合作目前仍处于较低层次,且总体进展缓慢。

2.In the meantime Mr Leve, for one, advises "extreme caution" when looking at state or local polls this year.Leve先生看到今年的国家或地方的民意调查时提醒说:“要高度重视”。

3.Because China is currently very poor, despite the fast development recently, the average income in China is still at a low leve; .因为中国现在很贫穷,虽然中国在近期发展飞速,但是人均收入不高。

4.Our pump have already reached international standard leve from external appearance to functiopnal performance.我公司研发的真空泵,从外观设计到产品性能均已达到国际一流水准。

5."We're in a dark age for polpng, " says Jay Leve, boss of Survey USA, a polpng firm.“我们正在经历民意测验的黑暗时代”,一家名为SurveyUSA的民意调查公司的老板JayLeve如是说。

6.When he ws still young mn, he ws forced to leve his homeland for photic resons.当他还在青年时代,就由于政治原因被迫离开了祖国。

7.Is the Master schedule planned and managed at the site leve?在现场主(总)计划是否被策划并得到管理?

8.YOU may move many times in your pfe, but there's one home you'll never leve-your body.一生中你可能搬很多次家,但有一个家你永远也不能离开,那就是你的身体!

9.(The minor bands being the Tranapersonal, the Biosccial, the Philosophic, and the Shadow Leve I. ).(次要波段包括:超个人、生物社会、哲学及阴影层)。

10.Businesses complain that they get new graduates who are unhappy with anything less than high-leve商家们抱怨,他们新招收的毕业生不满意于被予以的不是高层次