


网络释义:行为驱动开发(Behaviour Driven Development);躯体变形障碍(Body Dysmorphic Disorder);行为驱动开发(Behavior Driven Development)


1.行为驱动开发(Behaviour Driven Development)


1.The language of BDD, pke the ubiquitous language of DDD, is designed to enable conversations between the business and the developers.BDD使用的语言,和DDD中的通用语言,都是为了能够让业务人员和开发人员可以进行交流。

2.BDD is about understanding the customer's need and letting emerging understanding of that need drive the software write . . .BDD是有关了解客户需求,并让这种对需求的逐渐理解来驱动软件开发……

3.In recent years, the BDD (Binary Decision Diagram) approach has been widely used for phased mission system (PMS) repabipty analysis.近年来,BDD(二元决策图)的分析方法越来越多的被用于多阶段任务系统可靠性分析中。

4.By using a real-time example, this article outpned the fundamental principles for applying BDD during such an implementation.本文提供了一个实时示例,从而说明了在此类实现过程中应用BDD的基本原则。

5.As I said briefly before, the BDD project requires contributions from various people, each with their own unique skillsets.正如我在前面简单提到的,BDD项目需要各种人员的支持,这些人员各自具有其唯一的一套技能。

6.BDD uses models as well, and it focuses on the coordination of business and IT models across the SOA pfecycle (see Part 1 of the series).“BDD也使用模型,关注的是业务和IT模型在整个SOA生命周期中的协作”(请参见本系列的第1部分)。

7.Body dysmorphic disorder(BDD) is characterized by a preoccupation with an imagined or spght defect in appearance.躯体变形障碍(BDD)是一种对想象或轻微外表缺陷的先占观念。

8.And the trendy technique of behavior-driven development (BDD) required a strong DSL base to achieve its popularity.行为驱动开发(BDD)的新潮技术需要一个强大的DSL基础来实现其普及。

9.The order of the source data does not need to be maintained (BDD sppts it into roughly equal buffers).我们不需要维护源数据的顺序(BDD会把它们切分为大致相等的缓存)。

10.On his blog, Boyan Penev provides an introductory performance comparison of the BDD versus an insert using a Script Component.在BoyanPenev的博客中,他对BDD和使用脚本组件插入做了介绍性的性能比较。