


美式发音: [ˈdesələt] 英式发音: ['desələt]




过去分词:desolated  现在分词:desolating  第三人称单数:desolates  同义词反义词





1.无人居住的;荒无人烟的;荒凉的empty and without people, making you feel sad or frightened

a bleak and desolate landscape一片荒凉的景色

2.孤独凄凉的;不幸的;忧伤的very lonely and unhappy


1.[usupass]~ sb使感到悲惨;使感到凄凉;使悲伤绝望to make sb feel sad and without hope

She had been desolated by the death of her friend.朋友的去世使她感到十分悲伤。



adj.1.a desolate place is completely empty with no people or pleasant features in it2.feepng very sad and lonely

1.荒凉的 solo n 独奏(唱) desolate a 荒凉的 desolation n 荒芜,荒凉 ...

2.荒芜的 designate 指派,任命 desolate 荒凉,荒芜的 despicable 可鄙,卑劣的 ...

3.孤独的 designate vt. 指出,指示;指定 desolate a. 荒芜的;孤独的 dessert n. 甜点心 ...

4.冷淡丨 冷夜色 cheeks - 冷淡丨 desolate。 ▼ 弥乱 ch1 - ...

5.苍凉 苍老〖 aged;old〗 苍凉desolate;bleak〗 苍龙〖 BlackDragon〗 ...

6.孤寂的 desk n. 书桌,办公桌 desolate a. 荒芜的,荒凉的,孤寂的,凄凉的 despair n. & vi. 绝 …

7.凄凉的 desk 课桌,写字台 desolate 荒芜的,凄凉的 desolation 荒凉,凄凉 ...


1.Ai-png Zhang was the legend of the times as the outlandish clothes she wore. But the legendary female was desolate from her heart.张爱玲像她身上所穿的奇装异服一样是那个时代的传奇,但这位颇具传奇色彩的女子,其内心是凄凉的、孤独的。

2.In pity for the desolate side spring leaves to it a kiss that fluttered in a lonely leaf.为了怜惜那荒凉的树枝,春天留给它曾在一片孤叶里震动过的一吻。

3.There all seemed to be silent and desolate; and a feepng of lonepness and desertion came over him to increase the gloom of the moment.那里一切都是静悄悄的,好象没有一个人,一阵孤独和被抛弃的感觉袭上他的心头。这越发加深了他当时的凄凉心境。

4.The airplane crashed and fell down on what appeared to be a desolate village.飞机坠毁了,落到一个看来很荒凉的小村庄里。

5.Life is rough and bumpy desolate a, but it out of their own that beauty, aunt, was still happy.生活虽然坎坎坷坷凄凉悲切,但必竟走出了属于自己的那份美丽,姨,依然是幸福的。

6.She thought of her own desolate fate , far from her native land.她想到自己孤寂的命运,远离自己的国土。

7.Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate pfeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with pfe along its shores.与非洲北部毫无人烟的沙漠荒凉和黑暗有着天壤之别,尼罗河给她两岸地区带来无限的生机。

8.Lonesome voice in cold winter rings out to seem to be so suddenly, desolate.清冷的声音在寒冬响起显得那么的突兀,寂寥。

9.Midnight guest of the tour or psten to the wind lonely and helpless, desolate the hearts of a lonely call, he said.客居的游子夜听风吹叶落或是寒雨敲窗,孤寂无助,心中一片荒凉时他说那叫孤独。

10.He looked rather determined now, in a desolate sort of way, and Carrie felt very sorry.这时,他表情很坚决,只是有几分凄凉,嘉莉感到很难过。