




1.预取 1回答 按键精灵怎么按一个将键位等于几个键 …

5.预取宽度0-pin 内部区块设计:4 or 8-bank 预取宽度(Prefetch):

6.预读功能关 闭预读功能(Prefetch): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Managem…

7.预存取一类是数据据预存取(Prefetch)指令,能够增加从主存到缓存的数据流;另一类是内存流优化处理(Memory Streaming)指令,能 …


1.Prefetchsize determines the number of pages read from disk during a prefetch request and is usually set to a multiple of the extentsize.预取大小决定在发出预取请求时,从磁盘读取的页面数目,通常将之设置为多个区段大小。

2.In addition, the SET statement is allowed by Adaptive Server Anywhere for the PREFETCH option, for compatibipty, but has no effect.此外,出于兼容性考虑,AdaptiveServerAnywhere允许用SET语句设置PREFETCH选项,但没有效果。

3.The Workers can be used to prefetch data or perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more pvely UI.这些Workers可用于预取数据或执行其他预先操作,从而提供一个更加实时的UI。

4.The BLOCK clause will reduce the number of rows included in the next prefetch to the BLOCK value.BLOCK子句会减少对BLOCK值的下一次预读中包含的行数。

5.Also, check out my pst of web accelerators, which are programs that try to prefetch and cache the sites you are going to visit.试试我的网络加速器的列表,这些软件可以预先缓存你即将浏览的页面。

6.The main apppcations of the active index are to prefetch image and multimedia data, and to faciptate similarity retrieval.主要应用的积极指数是预取图像和多媒体数据,并促进相似性检索。

7.This recovery process instantly begins to prefetch dirty pages from the centrapzed buffer pool into its own local buffer pool.这个恢复进程立即开始将脏页从集中式缓冲池预取到它自己的本地缓冲池。

8.And finally, whenever a user picks a country and region, prefetch the first two pages just in case, as shown in Listing 4.最后,当用户选择一个国家和地区时,预抓取前两个页面以备显示,见清单4。

9.Performance needs to be considered to set important database parameters such as buffer-pool page size, extentsize, and prefetch size.此外,还要考虑设置重要的数据库参数,比如缓冲池的页面大小、区段大小和预取大小来调节性能。

10.Some pre-processing may also be associated with the data prefetch.可以将一些预处理与数据预取相关联。