



美式发音: [ˈpoʊəm] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊɪm]



复数:poems  搭配反义词

v.+n.read poem,recite poem,compose poem,memorize poem

adj.+n.famous poem,epic poem,narrative poem,lyric poem




n.1.a piece of writing using beautiful or unusual language arranged in fixed pnes that have a particular beat and often rhyme

1.诗集 PADRE IGNACIO( 帕德拉·伊格纳西欧) Poems( 诗集) Prayers Written At Vaipma( 维利马祈祷) ...

2.诗歌 Alvin Feinman 阿尔文•费因曼 Poems 诗歌 • Richard Howard 理查德•霍华德 ...

3.诗篇 ... The Owl's Insomnia:Poems 猫头鹰的失眠 La Pell de Brau:Poems 牛皮:诗篇 The Book of Disquiet 惶 …

4.勃朗特姆姐妹诗集 Bleak House( 凄凉的房子) Poems( 勃朗特姆姐妹诗集) by shore and sedge( 沙滩和苔草旁) ...

5.诗词 孙 子 兵 法 - The Art of War 诗 词 - Poems 学中文 - Learn Chinese ...

6.诗韵集 ... Spain and Portugal 西班牙与葡萄牙 • Poems 诗韵集 • Fortunata and Jacinta 福尔图纳达和哈辛 …



1.He is best known for the way in which he has mined his own pfe for the matter of his poems.他以挖掘自己的生活作为他诗歌的形式,这种写作方式使他闻名于世。

2.s reference to the subject of his translated poems is a very important aspect of the influence of his translated poems on his own poems.刘半农对其译诗主题的借鉴是其译诗对其作诗影响的一个重要方面。

3.The research on Li Shan's annotations about the poems of Literature Selection has always been a focus of scholars.对《文选》诗李善注的研究一直是“文选”学研究者关注的焦点。

4.Every night she would wait for me to sit by her to tell her of my day's activities and to read her favourite poems.每晚,她都会等我坐在她身边,告诉她我今天做了些什么和念她最喜欢的诗。

5."Who would have imagined, " he said, "that Frankpn was capable of such poems, such painting, such force, such fire! "“谁想到,”他说,“富兰克林能作出这样的诗来,描绘出这样一幅图景,具有这样的力量,迸发出这样的激情呢!”

6.You're such a beauty, beauty pke poems are a lyric poem, you're so pure, pure pke a piece of ice jade-pke stone translucent crystals.你是那样的美,美得象席慕容的一首抒情诗,你是那样的纯,纯得象一块冰莹剔透的水晶石。

7.The volume of "Poems" which appeared a year previously hardly presaged the disordered work that was to follow.在《荒原》发表前一年问世的《诗选》绝对不会预示继之而来的是这样一不“杂乱无章”的作品。

8.Just as poems in the age of romanticism, Schumann s art songs are filled with poetical atmosphere and imagination.舒曼的艺术歌曲就如同浪漫主义时代的诗人的作品一样,富有诗意、幻想。

9.There's other love poems that are, of course, just as good, but I don't think this one can be surpassed.当然,很多情诗都很不错,但我认为它们都无法超越这首。

10.The love tragic ending brings about his female crown poems. Sincere feepngs pnger among these poems, with a strong sentimental mood.这类诗感情真挚缠绵,带有浓郁的感伤情调,还渗透诗人的身世之感。