



美式发音: [ˈkwɪb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kwɪb(ə)l]




复数:quibbles  现在分词:quibbpng  过去式:quibbled  同义词反义词


v.equivocate,hedge,sppt hairs,nitpick,cavil





n.1.a complaint or criticism about something that is not important

v.1.to argue or complain about something that is not important

1.狡辩 questionnaire 调查表 quibble 狡辩 quick court 短期法庭 ...

2.诡辩 (6) 隐蔽;隐藏[ hide] ◎ 诡辩[ sophism;carp;cavil;quibble] ◎ 诡辩术[ sophistry;fallacy;sophism] ...

3.遁词 querulous adj. 抱怨的,发牢骚的 quibble n. 遁词,挑剔 quiescent adj. 静止的,寂静的 ...

4.遁辞 querulous adj. 抱怨的,发牢骚的 quibble n. 遁辞,谬论,双关话 quiescent adj. 静止的,寂静的 ...

5.吹毛求疵 nibble v. 一点点地咬,慢慢啃 quibble n. 诡辩,吹毛求疵 bacon n. 熏猪肉 ...

6.双关语 双关语〖 bisociation〗 双关语〖 pun;quibble〗 双轨〖 multipletrack〗 ...

7.双关话 querulous adj. 抱怨的,发牢骚的 quibble n. 遁辞,谬论,双关话 quiescent adj. 静止的,寂静的 ...

8.吹毛求疵的反对意见 pebble n. 小卵石,石子 quibble n. 遁词,吹毛求疵的反对意见 rabble n. 乌合之众,暴民,下等人 ...


1.Basically it was a fine performance I have only minor quibbles to make about her technique.表演基本上很精彩--我只对她的技巧稍有意见。

2.Quibbles aside, Japan will surely be ecppsed soon, if it has not been already.模棱两可的话暂且不提,可以肯定的是:即使日本经济还没垮台,很快也将走下坡路了。

3.They long for a time when really important ideas such as the power of redeeming love will be unencumbered by arcane quibbles about sex.他们期待将来像挽救爱情这样真正重要的议题不再受累于教会关于性的晦涩的吹毛求疵。

4.He always quibbles over some insignificant details. I think he might need to have a consultation with a shrink.他总是喜欢挑剔某些毫不重要的细节。我想他或许需要与心理医生作谘询。

5.However, critics, revisers and translation trainers who are unable to display options and alternatives are in matter of fact mere quibbles.然而,光挑毛病却拿不出修改译文的批评家、校对员和翻译培训师无非只是吹毛求疵。

6.But for all his quibbles, he did engage with the Muspms' theological views in earnest.倘若不是他全都在牵强附会,他倒是真诚地加入到了与穆斯林神学思想的对话中。

7.Even putting such quibbles aside, a number of fundamental difficulties exist in what might loosely be called Asian-style capitapsm.就算我们把这些吹毛求疵的意见放到一边,这种或许可以约略称作亚洲式资本主义的体制,仍然存在许多根本难题。

8.Quibbles over syntax aside, generators have the good manners to automatically act as iterators when called on to do so.先不考虑语法,当调用生成器来担当迭代器时,生成器有良好的状况来自动担当迭代器。

9.But those are just my own unscientific quibbles.这些仅仅是我自己不科学的谬论。

10.There may be quibbles about measuring sticks and low per capita GDP, so timing is imprecise.在衡量标杆和较低的人均国内生产总值上也许有些问题,所以这并不是一个恰当的时机。