

pyre:[英 [ˈpaɪə(r)] 美 [paɪr] ]



pyre 基本解释



pyre 网络解释

1. 火葬柴堆:pyramidwise 成角锥形地 | pyre 火葬柴堆 | pyrene 分核

2. pyre什么意思

2. 大堆薪材:pyralarm 烟火报警器 | pyre 大堆薪材 | Pyrex glass 耐火玻璃

3. 供燃烧用的材堆,火葬用的柴堆:pyramid金字塔 | pyre供燃烧用的材堆,火葬用的柴堆 | shroud裹尸布

4. 火葬用的柴堆:pylon高压电线架,桥塔 | pyre火葬用的柴堆 | quack冒充内行的人,庸医

pyre 双语例句

1. This legend is relived on Chhoti Holi when the pyre is re-lit.


2. A mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope.


3. Pyre becomes a hero to all Charr, following his command to renounce all gods. In the 250 years, they become more united and eventually pwn Ascalon. They conquer everything but Ascalon City. In King Adelbern's final days, the Charr finally breach Ascalon City.

Pyre成了Charr全族的英雄,在他的领导下,Charr成功的抛弃了众神(他在gwen一直想做的,也成功了),250年后,Charr成了更强更团结的种族,并击败了Ascalon,他们占领了除Ascalon City之后的一切国土。

4. At the end of it's life the Phoenix would build a nest of aromatic twigs, set fire to itself, and be consumed in the funeral pyre of it's own making.


5. But I know what to do: I will reverse their arson, make a pyre of my haunch and so the last thing they know will be the stench of my crotch.

但是 我知道有何法门:我要将她们纵的火逆转,用我的下腰造出火刑的柴堆于是她们所能得知的最后事情将会是我腿裆的臭味。


6. He has made it deep and large, A pyre of fire with plenty of wood; The breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.


7. Now the cremation is beginning, with special pujas being performed directly in front of the pyre and also in the four directions, as well.


8. Holi fire is regarded as a funeral pyre for it is understood to have destroyed Holika, a demoness.


9. pyre什么意思

9. He prepared a pyre, lit it and asked Holika to sit on it, clutching Prahlad.



10. It'll be 2 million years before your funeral pyre is visible here by anything other than a tachyon telescope...

它将在你的火葬用柴木是除了一只 tachyon 望远镜之外任何事的看得见的这里二百万年之前。。。

11. The later Hindu practice known as the Suttee, in which the bereaved wife threw herself on the funeral pyre of her husband, seems at this period to have been unknown.


12. By the custom of suttee, a widow allows herself to be burned to death beside her husband's body on the funeral pyre.


13. By the custom of suttee, a widow allows herself to be burned to death beside her husbands body on the funeral pyre.


14. It would be their pyre.


15. 922From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends.


16. The Phoenix bird builds its nest which at the same time is its funeral pyre, and then setting it alight cremates itself.


17. pyre的近义词

17. The act of a Hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.


18. He struggled bravely to circumambulate the pyre and nearly tripped over in the soft mud a couple of times.


19. At the Manikarnika Ghat, the great cremation ground of the city, he actually saw Siva, with ash-covered body and tawny matted hair, serenely approaching each funeral pyre and breathing into the ears of the corpses the mantra of liberation; and then the Divine Mother removing from the dead their bonds.


20. pyre的近义词

20. Then I should be an ancient Hindu, and burn myself on your pyre.


pyre 词典解释

1. (火葬或祭祀用的)柴堆

A pyre is a high pile of wood built outside on which people burn a dead body or other things in a ceremony.

pyre 单语例句pyre的翻译

1. A tall cremation pyre is already under construction near the royal residence.

2. Thakur said the woman's burned body was found at the pyre in the remote village.

pyre什么意思pyre 英英释义


1. wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite

Synonym: funeral pyre