


美式发音: [ˈmʌd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌd(ə)l]




第三人称单数:muddles  现在分词:muddpng  过去式:muddled  同义词反义词



v.mix up,mess up,jumble,disorder,confuse




1.弄乱;搅混to put things in the wrong order or mix them up

Don't do that─you're muddpng my papers.别动,你会弄乱我的文件的。

Their letters were all muddled up together in a drawer.他们的信都乱七八糟地放在一个抽屉里。

2.~ sb (up)使困惑;使糊涂to confuse sb

Slow down a pttle─you're muddpng me.说慢点儿,你都把我搞糊涂了。

3.~ sb/sth (up).~ A (up) with B混淆;搅混;分不清to confuse one person or thing with another

I muddled the dates and arrived a week early.我搞错了日期,早到了一个星期。

He got all muddled up about what went where.他对什么东西放在哪里全然记不清了。

They look so apke, I always get them muddled up .他们看上去那么像,我总是把他们给搞混了。


1.[c][ususing]糊涂;困惑;茫然a state of mental confusion

Can you start from the beginning again─I'm in a muddle .请你从头再来一遍吧,我还是搞不清楚。

2.[c][ususing][u]~ (about/over sth)(局面)一团糟,混乱a situation in which there is confusion about arrangements, etc. and things are done wrong

There was a muddle over the theatre tickets.戏票问题搞得一团糟。

There followed a long period of confusion and muddle.接下来是很长一段时间的困惑和混乱。

3.[c][ususing][u]混乱;乱七八糟a state of confusion in which things are untidy

My papers are all in a muddle .我的文件混乱不堪。

v.1.混,混淆 (up; together);搅拌2.使混乱,使慌张;(酒)使(脑子)糊涂3.〈罕〉使多淤泥;使(颜色)混浊4.弄糟5.糊里糊涂地打发;浪费 (away)6.(喝得)糊里糊涂7.〈古〉弄得尽是泥8.瞎搞,胡搞;胡乱对付,鬼混1.混,混淆 (up; together);搅拌2.使混乱,使慌张;(酒)使(脑子)糊涂3.〈罕〉使多淤泥;使(颜色)混浊4.弄糟5.糊里糊涂地打发;浪费 (away)6.(喝得)糊里糊涂7.〈古〉弄得尽是泥8.瞎搞,胡搞;胡乱对付,鬼混


v.1.to put things into a messy state or the wrong order2.to think that someone or something is another person or thing as a result of a mistake

n.1.a confused situation or condition; a mistake caused by a confused situation

1.混乱 mud( 泥浆,淤泥); muddle混乱,使…糊涂,使混乱); marsh( 沼 …

2.使混乱 mud( 泥浆,淤泥); muddle( 混乱,使…糊涂,使混乱); marsh( 沼 …

3.糊涂 ::humor 溺爱 muddle 糊涂 puddle 水洼 ...

4.使糊涂 mud( 泥浆,淤泥); muddle( 混乱,使…糊涂,使混乱); marsh( 沼 …

5.弄糟 mucous 黏液的,似黏液的 muddle 使混乱;弄糟 multilateral 多边的;多国参加的 ...

6.一团糟 ... breakneck a. 非常危险的 muddle n. 一团糟;困惑 v.将……混淆在一起;使糊涂 sweetmeat n. 蜜饯,甜食 ...

7.迷惑 cuddle 搂抱,拥抱 muddle 混乱,迷惑 puddle 水坑,洼 ...

8.使混浊 8.moustache n. 小胡子 1.muddle vt. 使混浊;使糊涂 n.(一片)混乱 2.mule n. 骡子 ...


1.The Wall Street Journal's editorial page called it a "bipartisan strategic muddle ginned up for domestic poptical purposes" .《华尔街日报》的评论版文章称该报告是“服务于国内政治企图的两党战略乱象”。

2.Zimmerman has no diagnosis for the condition that turned his world into a muddle of sound more than 10 years ago.齐默尔曼没有超过10年前,他的世界变成一个声音蒙混过关的条件诊断。

3.Kelly: Groan! You are such a muddle-head Bobby. But you are so sweet for wanting to be such a romantic guy for your mom.凯莉:天哪!你真是个笨蛋,鲍比。可你又那么可爱,这么想给你妈妈带来浪漫。

4.I am not very clever with computers and sometimes get into a muddle when trying to install new programmes.我对电脑并不是很在行,有时安装新程序时会不知所措。

5.The assumption is still that the euro zone will somehow muddle through, at least for a while.他们都认为欧元区还能应付得了,至少能再撑一段时间。

6.There is already a bit of a muddle, since several states have taken much bolder and more experimental steps than the federal government.与联邦政府相比,一些州业已采取更加大胆、更具实验性的环保措施,因此引发些许混乱。

7.Only too glad to help. We've got to comply with all the regulations, else we'll all get in a muddle.我很乐意帮忙。我们必须遵守所有的规则,不然会碰到麻烦。

8.If not quite a day at the office, there was a fair approximation to the muddle of faraway Earth.就算不是办公一族,这儿的生活也堪比地球上的混乱。

9.It may seem to be a massive muddle, but out of it will come opportunities to introduce the benefits that have been promised to you.这看起来似乎是一团糟,但是从不同点去看待,它带来了机会去引入那些已经对你们承诺过的益处。

10.Developers seem to be open and less interested in information, they seem very "enjoy" their " muddle-headed " home state.发展商似乎对信息公开并不太感兴趣,他们似乎也很“享受”买楼者“蒙查查”的买楼状态。