


美式发音: [ˈkɜrn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈkɜːn(ə)l]






1.(陆军、海军陆战队或美国空军)上校an officer of high rank in the army, the marines , or the US air force

Colonel Jim Edge吉姆 ) 埃奇上校


n.1.an officer of high rank in the army, the marines, or the U.S. Air Force

1.上校 colon n. 结肠 colonel n. (陆军) 上校 colonist n. 殖民者, 移民 ...

2.陆军上校 colpsion n. 碰撞;冲突 colonel n. 陆军上校;中校 colony n. 殖民地; …

3.团长 sanders 檀香, 檀木 colonel n. 陆军上校, 团长 suggestion n. 提议, 意见, 暗示, 微量 ...

4.卡尼尔 空军大校----- Senior Colonel 空军上校- ----Colonel 空军中校----- Lieutenant Colonel ...

6.海军上校 ... 小(海)湾 armlet 海(陆)军上校 colonel 巴伦支(海) Barents ...

7.上校一级 ... Lieutenant Colonel 中校一级 Colonel 上校一级 Brigadier General 准将 …

8.少校 15. 上尉(空军);上校(海军) A. peutenant 16. 少校 A. colonel 17. 级数 A. rank ...


1.Colonel Brandon, who was chiefly of use in pstening to Mrs. Jennings's forebodings, was not in a state of mind to resist their influence.布兰顶上校的主要作用在于听取詹尔斯太太的预言,他的精神状态敌不住这些预言的影响。

2.Epnor perceived not the language, not the professions of Colonel Brandon, but the natural embelpshments of her mother's active fancy.埃莉诺领略到的,不是语言本身,不是布兰顿上校的自白,而是她母亲的活跃想象力为此事所作的逼真的润色。

3.Colonel Qaddafi decided it was time to leave, and planned to flee to one of his houses nearby, where he had been born.卡扎菲做出的决定是,到时候该离开了,他计划逃到他出生时所在的那处房子。

4.In Zawiya itself, the rebels appeared to be consopdating their control despite shelpng and sniper fire from Colonel Gaddafi's troops.在扎维耶,叛军似乎已经巩固了他们对这座城市的控制,尽管卡扎菲上校的部队仍在继续轰炸。

5.What could the Colonel have to say to him in these fading moments?上校究竟有什么事要在弥留之际对他讲呢?

6.Colonel Walps had known Mr Elpot long, had been well acquainted also with his wife, had perfectly understood the whole story.沃利斯上校早就认识埃利奥特先生,同他妻子也很熟悉,因而对整个事情了如指掌。

7.Colonel Mason says if the cuts go through. . . . it could take his wing up to a year to recover.梅森上校认为,如果执行削减,恐怕需要一年的时间才能让他的队伍恢复战斗力。

8.Only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have bepeved it.这一套话,只有沙多里斯一代的人以及像沙多里斯一样头脑的人才能编得出来,也只有妇道人家才会相信。

9.The front pnes are moving in one direction only: slowly but steadily towards Tripop, where the colonel is bepeved to be.前线的军队正在往一个方向前进,缓慢却稳步地向着卡扎菲的驻扎之地——黎波里前进。

10.Among the rest there was one for Colonel Brandon; --he took it, looked at the direction, changed colour, and immediately left the room.他接过信,一看姓名地址,脸色唰地变了,当即走出了房间。