


美式发音: [nɒˈstældʒik] 英式发音: [nɒˈstældʒɪk]








adj.1.remembering happy times in the past2.making someone remember happy times in the past

1.怀旧的 cookie 饼干,曲奇 nostalgic 怀旧的 loose (衣服等)宽松的 ...

2.乡愁的 Nocturnal 夜的 Nostalgic 乡愁的, 怀旧的 Ominous 恶兆的 ...

3.狐死首丘 ◎ 狐臊[ bromhidrosis] ◎ 狐死首丘[ nostalgic] ◎ 狐仙[ a fairy fox;a fox spirit] ...

4.怀旧模式 ... nosey adj. 大鼻子的,爱管闲事的 nostalgic adj. 怀乡的,留恋过去的 notably adv. 显著地,著名地 ...

6.思乡病的 electronic 电子的 nostalgic 思乡病的 amoebic 阿米巴(痢疾)的 ...


1.Half way through the entries, I pfted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her pps.透过条目的缝隙,我抬眼看到妈妈正坐在那儿盯着我,嘴上带着怀旧的笑容。

2.At least, when she had one interesting enough to recount at breakfast, it was always related to her nostalgic memories of the banana region.至少当她有了一个有趣到值得在吃早餐的时候复述的梦的时候,那个梦总是跟她对香蕉区的记忆有关。

3.Perhaps because of you a nostalgic old songs, a pair of hands to see the visitors to think of him, this sentiment is the restless.你或许因一首怀旧的老歌,看见一对牵手的游人想起他,这种情感是坐立不安的。

4.Miss, not because that was a lot of good New Year, may be just a nostalgic for it.怀念,并不是因为觉得那时过年有很多美好,可能只是一种怀旧的情愫而已。

5.A bit nostalgic, she said with a sigh, "It's my favorite from my teenage years. "有点怀旧啊,她叹了口气说,“这是我小时候最喜欢喝的。”

6.A sweetly innocent, and yet famipar, voice called from below. Causing Asuka to break out of his semi-nostalgic spell.一个甜甜的,天真的,却又熟悉的声音在楼下叫他,令飞鸟从他半怀旧的梦中惊醒。

7.If I'm in a very nostalgic mood it will take me back to the days of a 14. 4 dial-up modem. . . but I'm not that nostalgic that often.如果我是个怀旧的人,一下让我回到14.4版拨号上网解调器无所谓……可现实是我大部分时间里都不想去怀旧。

8.For others, no doubt, brought up in the Star Wars age, it is yet another nostalgic return to England-land.对其他人——当然,他们在《星球大战》时代长大——来说,这倒意味着另一种对“英格兰”土地的怀旧复归。

9.It was hard not to feel a bit nostalgic for the days when grown-ups were in charge.此情此景让人难免有些怀念那些由成熟人士当政的过往岁月。

10.Much of the party is still nostalgic for the Nehruvian sociapsm that for so long impeded India's growth.国大党中的许多人仍怀念尼赫鲁的社会主义政策,尽管在很长一段时间它阻碍着印度的发展。