




1.向……道谢 not…anymore( 不再…) say thanks to 向……道谢 be proud of 骄傲, …

2.向……表示感谢 upset 心烦的 say thanks to 向……表示感谢 worried 担心的,焦虑的 ...

3.对……说谢谢 invite 邀请 say thanks to 对……说谢谢 upset 心烦的 ...

4.对…道谢 ... 3. invite v. 邀请 4. say thanks to 对…道谢 Section D needs 1 period. Section D 需用1课时。 ...

5.查看详细 ... invite 邀请,招待 say thanks to 查看详细 normal 正常的 ...


1.I didn't expect the call and I just have to say thanks to the boss, as he contacted the club about my situation.老霍与俱乐部交流了我的情况,但我真没想到他会给我打电话,我只是想对老霍说声谢谢。

2.sorry, I could not go with you together, I say thanks to you sincerely for you have done for me.抱歉…我不能跟大家一道走!之前真得很谢谢你们!

3.Been very very busy working pke a dog but I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes.最近非常非常忙碌,做到一只狗咁,但是我想跟所有给我生日祝福的朋友们说声谢谢。

4.Forgive me for my poor expression, but the gratefulness is now rising from the bottom of my heart. I just want to say thanks to her.请原谅我笨拙的表达方式,但是发自我内心深处的感激正在不断蔓延。我想对她说感谢她所做的一切。

5.Remember the word "appreciate" . It has two meanings, one is to say thanks to something, the other is to grow.记住“感恩”这个词,它有两层含义,一是对人或事表达谢意,二是指增长,即我们在感恩的同时,我们的快乐会增长的。

6.I have to say thanks to him for giving me the chance as well.我必须对他能给我出场机会表示感谢。

7.The volunteer work gave me a precious pttle chance to say thanks to people pke the pttle boy's father.这份自愿工作给了我一次难得的机会向诸如那位小男孩的父亲一样的人们表达谢意。

8.The birthday is not the day we were born, also the day important to our mother, so don't forget to say "thanks " to mother!生日不仅是我们出生的日子,更是母亲的受难日,所以在你过生日时,庆祝之余,不要忘记向母亲说声:“谢谢您!”

9.I will be in Maranello Monday and Tuesday, so try to say thanks to the whole team and championship-wise it is time to think later on.周一和周二我会在Maranello,要感谢一下整个车队,至于争夺总冠军之后再考虑。

10.Let us take a moment to think and say thanks to the person called mom.让我们需要片刻认为和说感谢对人告诉妈妈。