




1.阿拉巴马大学 ... Temple University 天普大学 The University of Alabama 阿拉巴马大学 University of Houston 休斯顿大学 ...

2.美国阿拉巴马大学 ... 福德汉姆大学( Fordham University) 亚拉巴马大学( The University of Alabama) 美国林登中学( Lyndon Institute) ...

4.美国亚拉巴马大学 ... 88. The University of Alabama 阿拉巴马大学阿拉巴马州 88. Auburn University 奥本大学阿拉巴马州 ...

6.阿拉巴马大学毕业证样本 ... 阿拉巴马大学毕业证样本 The University of Alabama 爱荷华大学毕业证样本 The University of Iow…

7.阿拉巴马州大学 ... 91 The University of Alabama 阿拉巴马州大学 1 0 分析1 96 Auburn University 奥本大学 1 1 ...

8.阿拉巴马大学丨 ... 79、堪萨斯州立大学丨 Kansas State University 79、阿拉巴马大学丨 The University of Alab


1.I was pretty desperate to get out of the country and the University of Alabama was the first school I looked up.我非常想离开中国,阿拉巴马大学是我想去的第一所学校。

2.Diversity, 1963: Vivian Malone, a civil rights pioneer, was one of the first blacks at the University of Alabama.1963年的多元化:作为民权先锋的薇安·马龙,是阿拉巴马大学最早的黑人学生之一。

3.Recently she was invited to perform in Havana, Cuba with members of the University of Alabama Artist-Faculty.最近,她被邀请在古巴哈瓦那执行与阿拉巴马大学的艺术家(教员)一起表演。

4.Swaths of Tuscaloosa, Ala. , home to the University of Alabama, were reduced to rubble by a tornado, the Associated Press reported.据美联社报道,阿拉巴马大学(UniversityofAlabama)所在地塔斯卡卢萨(Tuscaloosa)的大片地区被龙卷风夷为平地。

5.Other co-authors were from Purdue University, the University of Alabama, Medical College of Georgia and New York University.其他的作者分别来自普渡大学、亚拉巴马大学、乔治亚大学医学院和纽约大学。

6.Boris Pasche, from the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, led the research.伯明翰阿拉巴马大学的综合肿瘤中心的鲍里斯。帕舍是这次研究的领导者。

7.He later taught electrical and computer engineering at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.之后,他在阿拉巴马大学塔斯卡卢萨分校(UniversityofAlabamainTuscaloosa)教授电气及电脑工程。

8.Steve holds a Masters Degree in Physics from the University of Alabama.Steve拥有美国阿拉巴马大学的物理学硕士学位。

9.integrated the University of Alabama today.今天在亚拉巴马大学取缔种族隔离

10.Last weekend, he graduated from the University of Alabama.上周,他从阿拉巴马大学毕业。