


美式发音: [məˈʃeti] 英式发音: [mə'ʃeti]






1.大刀;大砍刀a broad heavy knife used as a cutting tool and as a weapon


n.1.a large knife with a long wide blade, used as a weapon or tool

1.弯刀 looter 洗劫者,掠夺者 machete 大砍刀 maim 残害,使重伤(残) ...

5.开山刀12 - 18” : 开山刀(Machete)。Machete刚好与Bolo相反,因为其主要对付的是草、藤本植物,故刀身薄而长,以方便挥舞时造成 …

6.绝煞刀锋2010年,情人节快乐(Valentines's Day)、绝煞刀锋Machete)、魔由心生(The Killer Inside Me)、我的无形符号 (An Invi…


1.He made a stroke with the machete and the impact snapped it out of his hand.他一刀砍下去,砰的一声,把刀子都震飞了。

2.When Waldroup was finished with her, he chased after his wife, Penny, with a machete, chopping off her finger and cutting her over and over.追上了以后,就用弯刀砍。抵挡之中,彭妮的手指被砍掉了,身上也是和刀痕累累。

3.Old Liu wanted to stop the front, the results come in the store and two, respectively, and the hand holding the steel dragons machete boats.老刘本想上前阻止,结果店里又进来两人,分别是手拿钢管的小龙和手拿砍刀的小飞。

4.Struck the wasp from his shoulder ; struck off the diseased branch with a machete .把黄蜂从肩上驱走;用大砍刀砍去得病的枝条。

5.Expecting his fellow clan members to join him in uprising, Okonkwo kills their leader with his machete.预计,他的同胞氏族成员和他一起起义,Okonkwo杀死他们的领导人与他的大砍刀。

6.He shinned up the nearest tree, threw down a couple of coconuts, then chopped the tops off with a machete and handed one to me.他爬上最近的一棵树,扔下几个椰子,用小刀切掉顶部,递了一个给我。

7.A machete is Haiti's answer to the problem, and almost everybody seems to have one.解决海地这个问题的方法可以说非常麻烦,而几乎每个人似乎都有一个方案。

8.Two men were dropped onto the motorcycle ran to the east, confusion, "when" out, more than a foot long machete out on the floor.两名男子抛下摩托车向东跑去,慌乱中,“当”的一声,一把一尺多长的大砍刀掉在地上。

9.We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。

10.ACAPULCO , Mexico - A Mexican woman says she fought a 225-kilogram pon with a machete near the resort city of Acapulco and scared him away.阿卡普尔科,墨西哥——一名墨西哥妇女说她在阿卡普尔科的胜地城市附近用大砍刀与一头225公斤重的狮子搏斗,并吓退了他。