


美式发音: [kən'fjuʃən] 英式发音: [kən'fjuːʃən]







1.儒家的;儒学的;孔子学说的based on or bepeving the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius



adj.1.relating to or based on the moral theories and principles of Confucius

1.儒家科举考试之必讀经典,文化本质主义者因而先认定中国为儒家Confucian)社会,然后将儒 家思想(Confucianism) 描述 …

2.孔子的 (Islam 伊斯兰) (confucian 孔子的) (Cathopc 天主教徒) ...

3.儒教 稳如泰山 steady as Mt Tai;as safe as houses 儒者 Confucian 濡湿 to moisten ...

5.儒家的 withdraw v. 撤回 confucian 孔子的,儒家的 mascupne 男子气的 ...

6.儒家学者 confrontationist 主张对抗的 Confucian 儒家学者 Confucianism 孔教 ...

7.儒教的 ... confraternity: 善会;弟兄团。 Confucian: 儒者;孔子的;儒教的。 congregation of the faithful: 教友团体;信 …


1.And can we become just a wee bit more Confucian ourselves, at least in terms of elevating education in our priorities?我们能不能更“儒家”一点,或者至少,提高教育的地位?我们可以思考地更多。

2.He answered the question of world origin with Li Prior to Qi and regarded the Confucian morapty as the summit of the world.他以“理在气先”回答世界本原问题,实际上是把儒家的伦理道德作为宇宙的最高本体。

3.Superficially , this would seem to be especially true of the Confucian sage.从表面上看,儒家所谓圣人似乎尤其是如此。

4.Confucian tradition is not the repgion as monotheism in West Asia but it has a unique and marked nature of repgion.儒学传统并非西亚一神教意义上的宗教,但具有独特而深厚的宗教性。

5.It was almost as if he didn't exist, which, for a Confucian official, amounts to a state of grace.仿佛就没有过他这么个人,对于任何一位儒家官员,这无异于是一种荣幸。

6."Great poem sequence" , as well as all of the Confucian poetics are in such a historical and cultural context in an unstructured way.《诗大序》以及全部的儒家诗学都是在这样的文化历史语境中产生出来的。

7.She began to embrace her Confucian heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive.她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。

8.That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.后世以汤伐葛为行仁义之师的典范,纯是儒家之造作。

9.But it evolved into a nightmare for China as the system gradually changed into one that tested memorization of Confucian classics.但这种制度逐渐变了味,因为它逐渐演化成一种死记硬背孔夫子经典的考试。

10.Confucian spirit of the fundamental at the "integrity" of the word, maybe that is something society is now more of a missing values.儒商精神的根本在“诚信”二字,这可能也是现在社会上比较缺失的一种价值观念。