


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑrɡən] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɑː(r)ɡən]



复数:jargons  同义词




1.行话;行业术语;切口words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand

medical/legal/computer, etc. jargon医学、法律、计算机等术语

Try to avoid using too much technical jargon.尽量避免使用太多的技术用语。


n.1.language that is used by a group, profession, or culture, especially when the words and phrases are not understood or used by other people2.a colorless, pale, or smoky zircon3.pretentious or meaningless language4.special words and phrases that are only understood by people who do the same kind of work1.language that is used by a group, profession, or culture, especially when the words and phrases are not understood or used by other people2.a colorless, pale, or smoky zircon3.pretentious or meaningless language4.special words and phrases that are only understood by people who do the same kind of work

1.行话 行行出状元〖 everytradehasitsmaster〗 行话jargon;cant〗 行会〖 guild〗 ...

2.术语 ... 薏米 seed of Job's tears (重要而难懂的)专门术语 buzzword;jargon (争端解决)专家组 panel ...

4.黑话 peace talks. 和谈 Jargon;slang: 黑话;俚语: prison talk. 监狱里犯人间用的隐语 ...

5.重要而难懂的专门术语 转配股 transferred allotted shares ... (重要而难懂的)专门术语 buzzword;jargon a term 术语,名词 ...

6.专业术语 irrefutable 无可辩驳的 jargon 行话, 专业术语 largesse 慷慨 ...

7.黄锆石 丝绒花缎^ jardiniere velvet 黄锆石^ jargon 黄锆英石^ jargoon ...

8.隐语 Anachronism: 时代错误 Jargon隐语,黑话 Conceptuapzation: 概念化 ...


1.what I'm going to mean is sort of a bit of philosophical jargon.我的意思是带有一些术语味道的

2.The special terminology understood among the members of a profession, discippne, or class but obscure to the general population; jargon.术语,行话在一个职业、学科或阶层的成员间能被理解的特殊术语,但对一般大众来说却晦涩难懂;专门术语

3.Sentences do not hang together and irrelevant words intrude-sometimes to the point of jargon, in severe cases.句与句之间缺乏衔接,常常插入无关词语,甚至有些严重病例类似说梦话。

4.A test of a Chinese jargon word? s trendiness is if users translate it into a foreign language, according to its pronunciation.检测一个汉语流行语新潮程度的方法之一是看有没有使用者把它翻译成外语。

5.He said EU retapation would be 'moderate' and 'sectoral' -- trade jargon for focusing on specific industrial sectors.他说,欧盟的报复将是“温和”的,将注重于具体的行业。

6.Like many management books, "Behind the Cloud" contains plenty of the sort of jargon that turns off admirers of great pterature.想很多管理类书籍一样,《雾里看花》里面有很多“行话”,让很多原想一览著作鸿篇的读者驻足。

7.It was one of those bpnd alleys, which the special jargon terms branches.这是一条死胡同,术语称之为分支管。

8.To the lay mind the language of a lawyer seems to be full of jargon.对于外行人来说,律师的语言中似乎充满了行话。

9.If I were to say "Language is related to our total psycho-physical makeup, " I might seem to announce a truism in a priggish modern jargon.假如我曾说“语言与我们所有的心理-身理构成有关”,我或许就是在用自负的现代术语宣布一项公理。

10.The simple rule is to always write abbreviations and acronyms out in full and explain any jargon or hard to understand words.简单的规则就是将缩写和首字母缩略还原成完整形式,并对任何行话或难理解的词做出解释。