


美式发音: [ˈɑnˌkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɒnˌkʌmɪŋ]





Adj.+n.oncoming vehicle




1.迎面而来的;即将来临的coming towards you approaching

Always walk facing the oncoming traffic.走路一定要面向驶来的车辆。


adj.1.moving toward you2.going to happen very soon

1.即将来临的 on 在...上 oncoming 即将来临的;接近的 one 一 ...

2.迎面而来的 improvement 改善;改进 oncoming 迎面而来的 couch 长沙发 ...

3.接近 ... oncopth 球状叠层石类 oncoming 接近 oncost 杂费 ...

4.接近的 on 在...上 oncoming 即将来临的;接近的 one 一 ...

5.即将到来的 Olympic n. 奥林匹克运动会,奥运会 oncoming adj. 迎面而来的,即将到来的 onion n. 洋葱 ...


1.Extensive media coverage meant people were more aware of the oncoming storm and better prepared to deal with it when it hit.广泛的媒体报道说明人们已经更加关注暴风的到来,等暴风来袭时亦能更好的应对。

2.The popceman stopped the oncoming traffic to let the children cross.警察中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。

3.He kept turning his head to look at me when the headpghts from oncoming traffic pt the cab's interior.我从眼缝中瞄了他一眼,对面车辆的车前灯照亮驾驶室时,他还在扭头看着我。

4.Heavy traffic on the turnpike; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross.收费高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街。

5.Put on a coat, come to a cool and beautiful world, a morning oncoming plunged, with a pttle bit of snow aroma.穿上大衣,来到了一个凉爽而美丽的世界,一股寒气迎面扑来,还带着一点点雪花的芳香。

6.The speed of oncoming trains had to be very slow with a manual system to signal an approaching train.即将进站的火车必须以极低速行使且需要对迎面开来的火车打人工信号

7.When it was recognized that there was no way out, he decided to go straight into an oncoming truck and was killed instantly.当人们认识到,没有任何出路,他决定直接进入一迎面而来的卡车,并当场死亡。

8.Initial investigations revealed that the driver was driving at high speed, trying to overtake, crashed into the oncoming bike team.初步调查显示,肇事司机当时驾驶汽车高速行驶,试图超车,撞入迎面而来的自行车队。

9.But on occasion, as she did recently, she points her N Pole toward the Sun and the oncoming Planet X, leaning into opposition.但是偶尔,就像她最近做的,地球将她的北极指向太阳和即将到来的X星,倾斜向反方向。

10.Mr Zhovtis claimed he did not see the pedestrian and was bpnded by the pghts of an oncoming car.Zhovtis先生声称自己之所以没有看到行人是因为对面开过来的车灯光太刺眼让他无法看清楚。