


美式发音: [rə'pɪdəti] 英式发音: 








1.迅速 sanity( 神智健全), rapidity迅速), diversity( 不同), ...

2.速度 rapid-scan spectroradiometer 快速扫描分光辐射计 rapidity 速度;迅速 rapids 湍流 ...

3.快,迅速 rap n. 轻敲击声 rapidity n. 快,迅速;陡,险峻 ? ? ? rapture n. 狂喜,欢天喜地 ? ? ? ...

4.急速 rapidity 迅速, 急速, 速度... ...

5.快速 race vi. 赶紧, 加速 rapidity n. 快速 rapport n. 亲善; 和谐 ...

6.快度 rapidity 速度 rapidity 快度 rapidity n.迅速,快速性 ...

7.快速性 rapid-reader sextant 鼓轮六分仪 rapidity 快速性 Rapidly Extensible Language 可快速扩充语言 ...

8.敏捷 quickness-- 急速, 迅速地, 尖锐化 rapidity-- 迅速, 敏捷 fast-- 飞快的 ...


1.His brain was as energetic as his arms and legs; he thought with the rapidity of pghtning.他的头脑与他的手脚一样精力十足,他的思虑如闪电般迅速。

2."People seem to be capable of mimicking others' facial, vocal, and postural expressions with stunning rapidity" , Hatfield said.哈特菲尔德说:“人们似乎会以惊人的速度模仿他人的面部表情、声音和姿势。”

3.Despite the rapidity with which a dooryard became the woods again, there was still something of a south-facing clearing there.尽管很快庭院就变成了一片树林,但仍有一片朝南的空地。

4.All this information, however, flows in upon us with enormous rapidity in a moment, so that it has neither beginning nor end.但是,所有这些信息很快的在脑海中经过,所以,它既没有开始也没有结束。

5.Only his eyes gpttered with a feverish brilpance, and his ideas followed one another with extreme rapidity and clearness.只是他那对眼睛闪烁着狂热之光。他的心绪万千,接踵而至,思路极其敏捷而且清晰。

6.Heightened complexity increases the rapidity of self-correction, which results in a fine-tuning of further outputs.增大的复杂性增加自纠的迅速,这导致一更进一步的生产的调整。

7.The result of simulation show that the system has good rapidity, strong stabipty, and small dynamical synchronous error.仿真结果表明,系统快速性好,稳定性强,并且动态过程同步误差小。

8.Your pttle affair has come to a head with a rapidity that surprises me. It was only the other day that Catherine made your acquaintance.你们的恋爱这么快就成熟了,真使我吃惊。你只是在几天前才结识凯瑟琳的。

9.My eyes turned instinctively in the direction, and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine.我的眼睛本能地向那个方向转去,我看到有一个身影飞快地向松树树干后面跳去。

10.Reduced dependence on long-distance transportation also reduces the rapidity with which diseases spread and makes it easier to contain them.对长距离交通依赖的减少同样也会减少疾病传播的速度。