


美式发音: [ˈmʌɡi] 英式发音: ['mʌɡi]



比较级:muggier  最高级:muggiest  同义词反义词





1.闷热潮湿的warm and damp in an unpleasant way

a muggy August day八月里闷热的一天


adj.1.muggy weather is warm in an unpleasant way because the air feels wet

1.闷热的 19. Biting 刺骨的寒冷 20. Muggy 闷热的,潮湿的 1. Scorching 灼热的 ...

2.闷热而潮湿的 buggy 轻型马车,婴儿车 muggy (天气)闷热而潮湿的 prodigy 奇事,非凡之人,天才 ...

3.湿热的 wintery( 冬天的,阴冷的) muggy( 湿热的) foggy( 多雾的) ...

4.闷热潮湿的 stuffy 闷的 muggy 闷热潮湿的; chilly 严寒的 ...

5.闷热的a ... mottle 使成为杂色 muggy 闷热的a mug 杯子,罐子 ...

6.闷的 ... blow over (风)平息 muggy 湿热的,闷的 gloomy 阴沉沉的 ...


1.Then as quickly the rain stopped and a low-lying monster cloud filled with a muggy kind of pght and a crowding heat blanketed everything.然而雨下了不一会儿就停了,低垂的云像怪物一样,云层中透着湿热的光,周围弥漫着一股股热气。

2.It was a hot, muggy August afternoon, and I had every reason to feel sorry for myself.那是一个潮湿闷热的下午,我完全有理由为自己掬一把同情之泪。

3.But on a hot muggy summer day, we all felt that the sun seemed to emit all of its abundant energies.天气非常闷热,太阳释放着它充足的能量,似乎要把这个世界吞噬,又似乎在挑战我们。

4.Alan Greenspan is driven off through the muggy afternoon, back to descend into the depths of his beloved data mines.在这个闷热的下午,艾伦-格林斯潘启程返回他心爱的数据矿井的深处。

5.The air was warm and muggy , and the top seemed to recede as he approached.空气又热又闷,他越走,山顶似乎反倒离得越远了。

6.WHEN the summer weather isn't too muggy, my wife and I take the longer walk to a subway station that gives us a shorter train ride.夏季天气不太闷热时,我和妻子会多走点路步行到一个地铁站,从这儿我们坐地铁的路程稍短一些。

7.Crying, the rustle of storm and cloudburst entangled. Equinox has gone, then the weather is no longer muggy as before.簌簌的风声雨声交杂,秋分已过,天气不再那么闷热了。

8.This is especially important if you are training during the summer as the hot and muggy weather will drain the fluids out of your body.这一点非常重要,因为如果您在炎热的夏季坚持训练,高温闷热的天气将导致您体内的液体流失。

9.This place as it is now would be damp and cold in winter and hot and muggy in summer.按目前这样,这地方冬天准又湿又冷,夏天准又热又闷。

10.In the summer, the Yangtze valley is always muggy, so fans are necessary tools for repeving heat.长江流域夏季闷热而潮湿,扇子是人们消暑必备的工具。