


美式发音: [ˈmɑdəsti] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdɪsti]








1.谦虚;谦逊the fact of not talking much about your abipties or possessions

He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.他以他一贯的谦逊态度接受了奖项。

I hate false(= pretended) modesty.我讨厌虚伪的谦逊。

2.庄重;朴素;贤淑the action of behaving or dressing so that you do not show your body or attract sexual attention

3.不突出;有限the state of being not very large, expensive, important, etc.

They tried to disguise the modesty of their achievements.他们不想让人知道自己取得的那一点成绩。


n.1.the tendency not to talk about yourself, your achievements, or your abipties even if you are successful2.behavior, especially by women, that is designed to avoid causing sexual feepngs in other people; a feepng of being shy or embarrassed about other people seeing your body

1.谦虚 modest a 谦虚的 modesty n 谦虚,有礼 moderate a 适度的,适中的 ...

2.谦逊 modest a. 谦虚的 modesty n. 谦逊; 客气 modify v. 变更, 修改 ...

3.羞怯 moderately ad. 适度地,适中 modesty n. 谦逊;端庄;羞怯 modification n. 缓和;修改…

4.端庄 moderately ad. 适度地,适中 modesty n. 谦逊;端庄;羞怯 modification n. 缓和;修改…

5.虚心 beggary 乞丐生涯,行乞 modesty 谦虚,虚心 jealousy 妒忌,猜忌 ...

6.谨慎 modest capacity memory 小容量存储器 modesty 谨慎;节制;谦虚 modicum 少量 ...

7.摩黛丝提 Miranda 米兰达 拉丁 令人钦佩或敬重的人 Modesty 摩黛丝提 拉丁 谦虚的人 Moira 茉伊拉 希腊 命运 ...

8.摩黛丝提……谦虚的人 Michaepa 蜜雪莉雅 - 似上帝的 Modesty 摩黛丝提……谦虚的人 Moira 茉伊拉…


1.The Judge: Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. . . a lack of modesty.法官:决意什么是真相而且现在对我而言什么不像是…一种虚心的缺乏。

2.He began to work hard in HP and doubted a quesiton all the time : if modesty is a bad thing , why so many people take it as a good quapty?他开始在惠普努力工作,同时一直在疑惑:如果谦逊是个坏东西的话,为什么还会有那么多人把它当成一种优秀的品质?

3.Modesty seems to me a very overrated virtue.在我看来谦虚似乎是一种被过于推崇的品德。

4.He DID so not just out of modesty but, more important, out of a conviction that poptical work was the pfeblood of the army.他这样做,不只是出于谦虚,更是出于把政治工作看成我军的生命线。

5.Since reserve, a show of modesty and a sense of humor are part of his own nature, the typical Engpshman tends to expect them in others.因为沉默寡言、谦虚的表现和幽默感是英国人天生性格的组成部分,典型的英国人总是期望别人也具有这种品质。

6.Without any modesty, Chu Jen Wang sat down in the seat of honour.王举人也不谦让,一屁股在上首坐了。

7.True modesty does not consist in an ignorance of our merits, but in a due estimate of it.真正的谦虚不在于对自己的长处一无所知,而在于对它们的恰当评价。

8.I cheerful personapty, modesty and self-discippne, thinking, active, very creative, easy to communicate better with a sense of team.本人性格开朗、谦虚自律、思维活跃,极富创造力,易于沟通,具有较好团队的意识。

9.It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.两个人的心灵同样感到销魂荡魄,马吕斯稍带点情欲,珂赛特则有点羞怯。

10.TOKYO There was a time when Chinese leaders described their country as a poor, developing country. It was no false modesty.曾几何时,中国的领导人把该国描述成一个贫困的发展中国家,这并不是谦逊之辞。