


美式发音: [ɪkˈseptəd] 英式发音: [ɪkˈseptɪd]





adj.excluded,left out,let off



adj.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not including a person or thing in what you are saying

v.1.The past participle and past tense of except

1.除外於 ... except 把……除外,反对 excepted 把…除外 excellent 优秀的,极好的 ...

3.除外的 ... excentral 【植物】中心之外的] excepted 除外的,例外的] exceptionable 引起反感的] ...

4.详细 The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages. 这趟旅途的费用不包括食物和饮料。 excepted 详细 excluding 不包括 ...

5.除了的 excepted adj. [不用在名词前 ] 除了的,例外的: nobody excepted 无人例外 ...


1.This was the first sound of a man's voice I heard, my own (being) excepted, for three days.除了我自己的声音以外,这是我三天以来第一次听到的人说话声。

2.People heard my shouting were all looking up at me, with nobody excepted. I saw the lady had shown her funny smile.人们听到我的喊叫,都抬头看我,无人例外。我看见那女人露出可爱的微笑。

3.So she sent an apppcation letter to college and a few days later, she was excepted.以她发出申请函,以高校和几天后,她被除外。

4.Every dollar spent trying to persuade a grandmother to see a Quentin Tarantino film is a dollar wasted (Quentin's granny excepted).花在试图说服一个老奶奶看一部昆汀•塔伦蒂诺导演的电影的每一美元都浪费掉了(昆汀自己的祖母例外)。

5.People seem to have drunk far too much tonight, present company excepted of course.今晚大家似乎喝酒喝得太多了,当然在座的各位除外。

6.We declare that everything in the Bill of Rights is excepted out of the general power of the government and shall forever remain inviolate.我们宣告该权利法案中的每一条款都不受政府的管辖并永远不受侵犯。

7.of this Lease, Party B shall reinstate the Leased Unit to its original condition( normal wear and tear excepted) and return it to Party A.乙方租赁期满或退还终止租赁时,须交还房屋及恢复房屋原状(屋及其设备因自然磨损除外)甲方。

8.Korean Language lesson teacher by a beautiful teacher and a composition class are excepted.选了一个美女老师的韩语课。选了一个古板老师的写作课。

9.At the last, the author exppcates the other ways excepted legislation for the precaution of Internet crime.最后,作者又详细的阐述了通过立法以外的其他途径如何预防网络犯罪的发生。

10.You must stand up to your own position. Don't show off or excepted the praise from others.你必须遵循自己的位置,不要指望卖弄炫耀自己或要求别人对你的肯定