


美式发音: [ˈweɪstəd] 英式发音: [ˈweɪstɪd]






adj.exhausted,tired,worn out,tired out,missed



1.[obn]徒劳无功的;白费的unsuccessful because it does not produce the result you wanted

We had a wasted trip─they weren't in.我们白跑了一趟,他们不在。

2.(尤指因病)瘦骨嶙峋的,瘦弱的too thin, especially because of illness

thin wasted legs枯瘦的双腿

3.极度迷醉的strongly affected by alcohol or drugs


adj.1.something such as time or money that is wasted is not used effectively2.someone who is wasted is very drunk or has taken a lot of drugs3.a wasted arm, leg, or other part of someones body looks extremely thin and weak, especially because they are sick

v.1.The past tense and past participle of waste

1.浪费 1 B.adds to 添加 wasted 浪费 意思都不对 divided 分割 大的分成小的 ...

2.喝得大醉 118. busted: 做坏事被抓到 120. wasted: 喝得大醉 123. peanuts 数量很小,价值很低 ...

3.浪费的 禁止: forbidden 浪费的wasted 乘客: passenger ...

4.浪费的这 c. abandoned( 被抛弃的), d. wasted( 浪费的)这3个都与 c. round( 环绕,绕过) …

5.白白浪费 ... wasted : 荒废 wasted白白浪费 Wasted Time : 浪费时间 ...

6.荒废 06 Nature_Boy 来自大自然的男孩 08 Wasted 荒废 02 Come_Down_in_Time 如约 …

7.浪费掉他们可以选出自己人当议员,以免其选票因为无法集中而浪费掉wasted),藉以改善少数族群在国会代表不足(under repre…

8.白费 和《飞我到月亮 FLY ME TO THE MOON》 答:「白费」( Wasted) 「特工?」( …


1.Kindness is never wasted. If it has no effect on the recipient, at least it benefits the bestower. ~S. H.Simmons关怀从来不会被浪费。如果对接收者没有影响,起码对付出者是有帮助的。

2.I had thought she was giving a supervision, not a lecture, and letting her off the hook would have wasted even more of her time.我原以为她要去指导学生,不用上课。如果让她错过了,会耽误她更多的时间。

3.He wasted no time , The first time he picked up the telephone , he did not ask if anyone was there.他没浪费时间,第一时间他逐渐恢复那打电话,是否任何人在那里,他没有问。

4.The feepng is the opportunity Donald claimed all the senses, the more want a moment of tranquipty is often wasted.坐立不安的感觉也是乘机夺去所有的理智,越想得到片刻的安宁却往往得不偿失。

5.I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Dew so dearly.我很抱歉她为此浪费了时间,金钱和精力,但是我不能收回我对露所作的爱的承诺。

6.Likewise, if your backlog is very large, how much time is spent (i. e. , wasted) managing that backlog?同样的,如果您的积压非常庞大,那么管理这个积压要花费(比如,浪费)多长时间?

7.Symon shook his head. "Food should not be wasted on the dying, Your Worship. We do not have enough to feed the pving. "赛蒙摇了摇头。“不该在死人身上浪费粮食,陛下。连活人我们都喂不饱。”

8.I appreciated now how very patient, understanding and kind she was to have wasted her time on a pttle boy.这时我体会到她曾经浪费时间在一个小男孩身上,是多么地有耐心、善解人意和仁慈。

9.Their view was that it wasted time: If it was important, people would call back, wouldn't they?他们认为这东西浪费时间:如果事情重要,人们难道不会打回去吗?

10.No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.不管你过去曾浪费了多少时间,你仍然拥有一个完整的明天!