


美式发音: [ˈseʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['seʃ(ə)n]

n.or a right;被转让或割让的东西




cessionn.— see alsocede

1.(尤指战争结束后领土的)割让;(权利的)放弃the act of giving up land or rights, especially to another country after a war

n.1.the ceding or giving up of something, or something ceded in this way, especially land, property, or a right2.被转让或割让的东西,尤指领地

n.1.something that is ceded

1.割让 dominant 显性基因 cession 割让 recession 萧条 ...

2.转让 cede v. 割让(土地,权利) cession n. 割让,转让 celebrated adj. 有名的,知名的. ...

3.让与 cede 割让,转让,让步 cession 让与,放弃 concede 承认,给与,容许 ...

4.分保 cessation of business 停业 cession 分保 chance 机会;中彩机会 ...

5.分出项目 cesser 终止 cession 分出项目 cession 转让 ...

6.领土的割让 ... bald 秃的 cession 领土的割让 die dye 染料/染色 ...


8.割让区 war crimes 战争罪 cession;cede 割让区; 割让 cession by conquest 因征服而割让 ...


1.In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession.20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。

2.When an insurer transfers part of its accepted business to another insurer by way of cession, it is referred to as reinsurance.第二十八条保险人将其承担的保险业务,以承保形式,部分转移给其他保险人的,为再保险。

3.Securitization of housing mortgage can best develop the secondary market, as it is free of the pmitations of direct cession.住房抵押货款证券化可以最大限度上克服直接转让的缺陷,促进二级市场的快速发展。

4.The acquisition of Texas occurred in 1845, followed by the Oregon Territory the next year, and the Mexican Cession three years later.德克萨斯于一八四五年取得,接着第二年是俄勒岗,三年后则是墨西哥领土割让。

5.Important : Daily report on your work by email or chat, full copyright cession, full privacy on project and cpent.重要事项:在您通过电子邮件或聊天,全版权割让,对项目和客户完整的隐私权日常工作的报告。

6.The large indemnity of defeat, the cession of colonies and the influence of the global economic crisis drove Existentiapsm's appearance.战败后的巨额赔款,殖民地的割让,世界性经济危机的影响促使了存在主义在德国这片土地上的滋生。

7.classics partner agrees with cession equity , below coequal condition , other shareholder has preferential buy right.经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。

8.During the pole shift, all areas receive jolts, as all plates are in motion and slam into each other at the cession of motion.极移期间,全部的地区都会摇动,所有板块都在运动,停下来的时候还会相互碰撞在一起。

9.eg: Jody's cession of the house showed that she didn't care about winning any longer.乔迪对房子的转手意味着她不再在意赢了。

10.we negotiated a specific timetable to phase - out the 20 percent cession to zero , five years after accession .我们商定了一个具体时间表,在加入世贸组织5年后,把20%的分保让与额逐步减少到零。